3 ⭑ Bloody Valentine?

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"Feed my eyes, can you sew them shut?
Jesus Christ, deny your maker."
Man In The Box by Alice in Chains.

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"Have a good day at school, you two

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"Have a good day at school, you two."

Blissfully, and with heavy distaste for me, my mom handed my little brother Ollie a fully packed lunch box, and leaned down to give him a goodbye hug on our way to school. It was seven thirty. Birds were chirping. Fog was rolling. Kids were laughing on their way to the bus stop. Cars were rumbling. Dogs were barking. Coffee was brewing...

And misery was in the making.

Another day like yesterday, nothing changed, nothing was new, it was the same old routine.

Wake up, skip breakfast, listen to one song before school, then walk my little brother to the bus stop. I'd go to my three classes for the day, and then come home to finish my homework, maybe play robots with Ollie.

Then... repeat.

It was just an endless cycle of the most boring life, and I was honestly getting kinda tired of it.

But who wouldn't?

"You too, Alice." Was all the 'have a good day' I got from my mother but I took it with a grain of salt and opened the front door.

Even though I was older, my mom treated her only son like a prize and me, like a worthless commodity.

I'd never know why.

"Bye..." I let Ollie walk in front of me before I closed the door behind us and stepped out onto the gravel walkway of our house. It was January, and the air was chilling, so I placed my plain black beanie onto Ollie's thick curls so he wouldn't get cold. "There. Take my hand."

As Ollie took my hand though, he asked me the most peculiar question. It was weird timing, and just such an interesting topic to talk about so early in the morning.

"Cherry, do you believe in heaven?" His lips pulled into a slight pout as if he was confused.

As we walked down the driveway, I furrowed my eyebrows, my mind jumping to the only logical answer. "Well, yes, of course."

"But-why?" He pressed on, seeming so confused, "How can you believe in something you can't see? And i-if heaven is such a nice place then why can't we go there? Why wouldn't God want us to be able to visit dad there?"

I blinked a bit, not expecting such a plethora of questions from him, "Um, I don't know Ollie, those are all really good questions though. Why do you ask?"

"I had a dream last night that I saw dad, so I asked mama this morning about it, and she said that dad is happy & safe in heaven. But... what if he's not? We don't know because we can't see. I just... don't get it." He was way too smart for his age.

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