86 ⭑ Passionfruit*

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"I'm beggin', beggin' you."
♫ Beggin by Madcon.

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Cher had it fuckin comin I'll tell you what

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Cher had it fuckin comin I'll tell you what.

My drop dead gorgeous little devil knew better than to test me when it came to sex, she knew she'd forfeit every game we played the second I opened my filthy mouth, but ever since we'd arrived in england, she'd been nothin but a teasing minx.

It started when we got on the plane.

Little ollie sat with Niko in the row behind us per request and instead, I was stuck between her and Naomi the entire flight, which gave Cher the perfect opportunity to occasionally touch my thigh or my chest or play with my fingers in a suggestive way without onlookers.

At first, I thought she was being the flirtatious girl I knew and loved but as the flight went on, she did it more and more.

I told her, "You don't wanna start this."

But she just sighed and rested her chin on my shoulder, breathlessly whispering in my ear while her hand groped at my cock, "I can't wait until we land baby, being on this plane is making me so restless. My mouth is so bored. Needs fucking. Don't you think?"

If Ollie weren't on the plane, I'd have dragged her back to the bathroom right then. But, all I could do was sit there and listen to her dramatic moans and sighs the entire damn flight.

Then, we got to the hotel and oh... oh boy.

I'd rather decapitate myself then go through that torture again.

Ollie decided he wanted to be a big boy and have his own room. We figured why not since he was eight and it was a fancy trip. He said he wanted his 'home alone' moment and I supported that.

So, we got adjoining rooms instead. He got his own big bed and his own nice view and if he hadn't passed out right when we got there, he would've stayed up all day staring at the city lights and walkin around talkin in a Scouse accent he heard on the telly.

Cher and I tucked him in and went to the room we got to ourselves.

We settled in to take a nap, I cashed the fuck in on some cuddle whore time.

And then, she decided to go topless under the covers.

"Wh--" When I felt her bare chest instead of her soft sweater after coming back from the bathroom, I peeled the blanket back and saw her perfect, perky breasts naked in front of me, "Are you fucking serious right now?"

"What?" She pouted, "Come lay..." Her fingers threading through my hair drew me in and she pressed my face to her soft, pillowy chest and threw her leg over my hip.

I was quite actually fucking squished between her mind-meltingly gorgeous tits.

It took me so long to fall asleep, I couldn't concentrate.

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