Chapter 5

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I yank open the front door, placing my foot behind it so no one can shove past me. Confusion washes over my face as I see Niklaus standing outside.
"What're you doing here?" I ask him, easing my foot from behind the door.
"I'm here to talk to your brother." He says and I grow even more confused.
"Which one?" I say swinging the door open and motioning for him to come in.
"Stefan." He says stepping inside and looking around. He knows almost everything about this house.
"He's not here. He's out with Elena." I say not bothering to hide the contempt in my voice. Niklaus chuckles lowly and I roll my eyes at him.
"I take it you're not her biggest fan." He says, half-jokingly.
"Playing nice isn't exactly my strong suit. But for the sake of 'family'." I say with a sigh as footsteps approach us.
"Oh I'm about to get a huge lecture." I mutter and turn to face my brother.
"Can you hold off on the lecture until our guest leaves?" I ask in a saccharine sweet tone. Damon's eyes flick between me and Niklaus, not failing to notice the comfortable air between us.
"This is the 'friend' you've had?" Damon asks , anger more than evident in his tone.
"Don't you dare get on me about the company I keep." I state in a dark tone crossing my arms over my chest.
"This is a family matter, Klaus. If you don't mind leaving." Damon says in a short dismissive tone.
"You don't get to talk to him like that. I don't treat the little doppelgänger like that." I snap at Damon and he opens and closes his mouth a few times.
"Elena?" He asks and I stare at him.
"No. The fucking queen of England. Do you think I'm stupid and wouldn't have noticed?" I ask him, voice edging dangerously close to yelling.
"I never said you were stupid." He says and I roll my eyes again.
"No. You just decided that once again you were going to let some little pathetic girl come between the faaaaaaamily you care so much about." I say, dragging out family in a high pitched tone.
"It's honestly a little sickening watching the two of you pining over her. It got the two of you killed last time. You'd think by now one of you would have gotten some sense. But no." I say and Damon scoffs.
"You don't know what you're talking about." He says.
"Oh just because I've supposedly never been in love? That I don't know what it's like to have someone drive you insane? You know what I had Damon?" I say, full on screaming. I can see Niklaus step towards me out of the corner of my vision.
"I had bury my brothers. And then I had to deal with our grief stricken father and the violence that entailed. The two of you were alive for weeks. Weeks where you could have done anything." I say and brush off Niklaus' hand on my shoulder, absolutely seething in rage.
"I went to your graves, praying to God to strike my dead were I stood so I didn't have to endure anymore of our father. And that's when I found out the two of you were still alive."
"So you don't get to tell me I don't understand what it's like to have someone you love betray you or abandon you. Because as far as I'm concerned both you and Stefan have done it to me. Over a girl." I say and Damon looks at me like I drove knife through his chest, and for once I don't feel guilty for hurting him. It's probably only a fraction of the hurt I felt when I learned they left me to that man.

I feel Niklaus' hand close around my wrist and he's dragging me out the front door. All I want to do is scream at the top of my lungs to get the hurt out. Or to hit something or myself. Just any sort of outlet.

I follow Niklaus to his car and then completely blow past it. He stares at me from the driver side before getting in, pulling up alongside me matching my pace.
"Get in the car, Serena." He says gently and  ignore him.
"You're ignoring me?" He says, almost sounding amused and I don't respond.
"You're practically shaking in anger. I don't think I've ever heard you scream like that." He says and I cast him a dark glare.
"It's not like he didn't have it coming. Frankly, I'm surprised you held out this long. I know I couldn't have if it were my sibling." He says and I finally just stop in the middle of the sidewalk.
"I want to go back there and just throttle him." I say quietly after a long moment.
"Not that that wouldn't be incredibly amusing, I don't think it'd be worth it." Niklaus says and I turn my back to him so he can't see the tears that have just started pouring down my face. I lock my spine to try to hide the fact that I'm sobbing quite hard.  I scrub the tears from my face with the sleeve of my shirt but they just keep coming.

After about five minutes I manage to get myself together, wiping the last of the tears away. Knowing there is mascara tracked down my face. Finally I get in the car with Niklaus. Ever the gentlemen, he doesn't mention the makeup or the tears.
"I think you might need away from that house. I don't think it's good for you to be there." He says and he drives.
"You're always welcome in my home." He says and looks at me for a brief moment, knowing I'd never take him up on the offer.
"I'll find a place." I reply flatly, completely spent of all energy to even try to emote a little.  My phone suddenly starts buzzing and I pull it from my pocket to see Damon's name emblazoned on the screen. I hit talk and put it up to my ear.
"Seren—." He starts and I cut him off immediately.
"I have zero desire to talk to you right now. Please don't continue to call me. I am safe. I am fine. Just please leave me alone." I say curtly before I hang up and switch off my phone.
"Not even giving him the change, I like it." Niklaus says and I roll my eyes.
"I think I'm done playing nice to spare their feelings."

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