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Cinder was conflicted. As she walked home from school on Tuesday, she could smell the pine needles and freshly cut grass of her neighbor's lawn. Should she go to semi-formal? She didn't have a date. Well maybe someone would ask her. Pfft. That was likely. She turned into her driveway, and pondered what she would wear if she went.

A red squirrel scurried in front of her. "Hello Cinder!" "What?"she stopped, suddenly. Who had said that? She couldn't see anyone. "I said, HELLO CINDER!" This time she saw the squirrel. "Are you talking? Like actually talking?" "Yah. I am. And you don't need to yell. Not only are you embarrassing your self, but my hearing is perfect." The squirrel said looking up.

"Am I going crazy?" Cinder said. " Ha! Nope! I'm really talking!" The squirrel said with a glint in his eye. Cinder was shocked! She must be dreaming! She has to be! She decided that she was going to run. Away from the queer little squirrel, into her house and to her room. So she did. All the while she thought she was crazy.

As she reached her room, and plopped down on her bed she pulled out her phone. she was just about to press the play button on Flappy Bird when she heard a voice. "Be good and kind," the voice said, "Be good and do as you are asked. For with following these, you can succeed at everything." "That's what the dove said a couple days ago!" she said out loud. "Be good and kind," the voice said. A bit louder this time, "Be good and do as you are asked. For with following these, you can succeed at everything!"

Flappy Bird's beak was moving. "Oh my god! It talked!" she screamed and closed out of the app. Cinder was breathing heavily now. Never Never will she open that app again! She tapped on the icon of the app store. The first thing that popped up was a new app that she hadn't seen before! And it was free! What luck! Without even reading the description of the app, only noticing that the name was 'What do I wear?', Cinder installed the app on her phone.

After it was done downloading and installing, she opened it eagerly. 'What do I wear?' the logo slid onto the screen with a popping noise. 'Hi. I'm Angelica. I have to go to a party tonight but I need help. I have no idea what to wear! Will you help me put together an outfit and makeup?" A virtual girl asked. Cinder tapped the microphone button and said. "Sure Angelica." "Ok! Thanks for helping me!" The scene switched to a closet and the possible choises for clothes Angelica could wear appeared with a sound that you might expect a fairy wand to make when casting a spell. The music playing was like one you would hear at a salon. "I can do this." She murmered to herself.

Cinder chose black jeans with rips in them, an ACDC tank top, and black combat boots. "The creator of this app has good taste." She thought. Next was the make-up. She had Angelica put on black eyeliner, pink lipstick, maskera and pink rouge. "Now for my hair!" Angleica said, smiling. Cinder chose a blondish-red high ponytail, and smiled. It looked just like her!

She tapped the 'Next' button, and the scene changed again. This time you could choose the background. "Cool!" Cinder thought as she picked the background of a party that Angelica looked like she would go to. Then Cinder tapped lightly on the 'Select' button. "Thank you! I really appreciate your help!" Angelica smiled. Cinder tapped the mic. At the bottom of the screen. "No problem. Have fun Angelica!" " I will. Thanks again!" Cinder laughed. She really did look like Angelica. Or Angelica really looked like her.

Then a 'Try it' button popped up. Cinder was very confused. Perhaps it would bring her to a website where she would be able to buy the clothes Angelica wore. But the words 'try it' just didn't make sense. How could you try it? Curious, she tapped on the mysterious button. The dazzle sound played again, just like before.

Suddenly there were sparkles and sequins all around Cinder. She did the natural thing and screamed. The sparkles were swirling and twirling in the air around her. When they finally setteled, there was something strange.

Cinder looked down at her clothes. They were the exact same ones that she had selected for Angelica! She rushed to her mirror. She was wearing the exact same make-up! "What the...?" She exclaimed. "How?!" Cinder heard angry sounding footsteps coming closer to her bedroom.

She rushed to her bed and threw her phone under her pillow. Just in time too. For at that very moment, her step-sisters and step-mother barged into her room. Very impolitely, I might add. "Cindeeeeeerrrr!!!" They shreeked in unison.

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