Assance Ultea Ebraivland High School

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The next morning was a Monday. The dove from earlier woke her up right before her alarm went off. The was annoyed at that, but she got up, and went to school anyway. Little did she know, a devastating event was going to be announced. As she sat in homeroom, wondering what it would be like to be popular like her stepsisters, the loudspeaker crackled. "H-Hello? Is this thing on?!", the Assistant Principal yelled, even though they could all hear him loud and clear. Everybody covered their ears."Oh. Good. ANYWAYS, there is a semi-formal dance on this Friday. at six thirty"

She turned to her best friend James with a look of disgust. He was looking at her with the same exact look. "UGGGGGH" they said in unison, as the two stepsisters squealed with delight.

It was now time for attendance. "Cinder Chanklylarossimbett." the teacher called out. "Here, but you pronounced it wrong." Cinder replied, exchanging a smile with James. "Well, how do you pronounce, Chanklylarossimbett?" the teacher said sternly. Cinder laughed lightly, "It's Cinderrrr not Ciiiinder." The teacher sighed petulantly. "James Hook." "Present and at your service, madam." James said, grinning widely and standing up to take a deep bow. The rest of the list went as it normally did. No one else said anything but, "Here."

Now Cinder was with a group of friends that you might not suspect she was friends with. James Hook, Malificent, Ursy, and Jafar. They did everything together. She was friends with them because her step-family didn't buy her new clothes, and her friends took her to the mall every Saturday.

Assance Ultea Ebraivland High School was The Kingdon's finest school. Or... the only one. The lush trees filled the courtyard(err..well...yard?) and there was always a magical breeze in the air. Or so that was the rumor. In reality it was like any other high school you might see anywhere.

Cinder and her friends liked to hang out by this one willow tree on the left side of school grounds durring lunch. This lunch's discussion was about Semi-formal. "I can't wait!" was Ursy's opinion. "Jafar, what are you going to wear?" Malificent asked. "Red. What else?" Jafar said palpably. Then it was silent for a couple seconds. "You two aren't going, are you?" Ursy said with a hint of sadness in her voice. "No."James and Cinder replied in unison. "It's just that..." James started. "Bad experience." Cinder finished, flatly. "Why don't you just go again? You could get a dance with Charming!" Malificent teased. "Quiet!" Cinder shushed Malificent just in time, because just as she spoke, Charming, her crush, walked past the willow tree they were eating lunch under.

Cinder froze in a stare at her (dare I say it) hot crush! Charming was basically the king of Assance Ultea Ebraivland High School and maybe even The Kingdom. I mean, MAN! This boy had the looks, the muscle, everything you could crush on about him, he had it! So, as you can imagine, almost every girl who didn't already have a perfect boyfriend, was crushing on Charming. Sometimes students would even crush on Charming just because they could even if they did have s boyfriend.

Naturally, everybody wanted to ask Charming to Semi-Formal. Unluckily for them, Charming always asked someone himself, and refused to accept any invitations from anyone else. What a man!

"Hey Cinder." Charming said with a wink. Cinder was stunned. No one talked to her like that. Expecially not someone like Charming. "Uh...h..hi..." she stuttered, still stunned by the fact that her crush had talk to her.

Malificent descretely pinched Cinder to keep her from fainting. Cinder silently thanked her and turned her attention back towards Charming. With a sigh she slumped back down in her spot under the willow tree.

"You have a crush on The King?" Jafar said with disbelief. "Wow!" Cinder smiled sheepishly, but didn't notice James' look of dissapointment. Then Ursy asked "So, are you coming to semi-formal now?"

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