Denki's Insecurities

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"I love...Denki Kaminari. I think... No, I know without a doubt I love Denki Kaminari."
"Sunshine nugget I love you too." The blonde responds and laughs softly.
The woman kisses her boyfriend's cheek.
"Say it one more time." He requests looking at their intertwined hands.
"I love you." She whispers and kisses him gently.
Denki kisses back and cups her cheek with one hand, holding her back with the other.
(Y/n) pulls away and smiles cutely.

The longer they stare at each other, Denki's smile becomes a frown.
The (h/c) also frowns and sits on the edge of their bed. "You're lost in thought Denki. What's wrong?"
She knows me too well. The said hero thinks to himself.
Buzzing signals a call from the woman's phone.
"You should get that." Denki whispers and points to the device on the bedside table.
"Sparky you're evading. Please don't keep secrets from me, especially about what you're feeling."
He sits next to her and looks at their hands.
Her thumbs rub his knuckles, calming him.

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather date someone else? Like Bakugou or Todoroki... or even Kendo? You liked that one person from work right? Why me?"
God I'm an idiot! Why am I asking her that? She'll probably leave me now, now that I've pointed out better options for her.
"Insecurity is human sparky. I love you, everything about you, even the things that drive me wild. I don't want anyone else. You have nothing to worry about, ok? I know all of your insecurities and I wish I could snap my fingers and make them disappear."
His mouth opens to object but he closes it and remains silent.
"You make me feel a range of emotions but the one that overwhelms the others is love. You make my insecurities disappear."

Tears stream down his cheeks slowly as he listens.
"Spark plug... sunshine nugget..."
"Denki, tell me you love me." She requests quietly, looking at her lap.
"Of course I love you! I love everything about you. I'm always just afraid you'll leave me because I'm an idiot and you could find someone smarter and probably better looking."
"Impossible. You're the best looking person on the plant. You're attractive even when you're not."
"Spark plug that doesn't make sense."
(Y/n) laughs and shakes her head. "All that matters is we love one another. You won't leave me and I definitely won't leave you. No one gets me like you do and... as Jiro puts it: I'm the only one that can put up with you."
Denki pouts cutely. "Put up with me huh?"
"I don't think of it like that. We rely on each other and make up for what the other lacks. It's like... we complete the other."
"That was so cheesy, sunshine nugget. I love it."

(Y/n) lays on her back and closes her eyes.
Denki lays next to her and rubs her hip with his thumb.
A soft hum echoes in his ears and a small yawn escapes.
Her hand moves into his hair and rubs gently.
His favorite comfort from her.
She knows it too.
"Get some rest Denki. You have to work in the morning. I will be here when you wake I promise."
"The last time you promised that you were in the kitchen making breakfast." Denki counters, earning a laugh from his girlfriend.

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