How Long Will It Take Fat To Get Skinny?

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(Y/n) loves her husband, whether he's in his fat form or skinny.
Taishiro loves his wife, whether she feels skinny or fat or somewhere in between.
The couple is kind, strong and supportive.
A power couple really.
Due to his hero lifestyle he mostly stays in fat form.
Which isn't made better by her making a delicious breakfast everyday.
Whenever they eat together and she claims she's gained weight he constantly reminds her that he loves her regardless just as she does with him.
Due to him constantly being fat she's always wondered how long it would take for him to get back to skinny.
How many rounds of love-making that is.
They've had sex before, in both forms, but never in the same session.

So (Y/n) has been building up her stamina and made sure she had off work for a few days.
Of course being a hero doesn't make way for days off but she managed.
(Y/n) grabs her husband's hand when she wakes up.
"I gotta get ready for work darling." He whispers and kisses her head.
"Please call in. Tell the guys you have a family emergency."
"Family emergency? Is something wrong gummy bear?" Taishiro asks, looking her over.
"I have a request and it's very important to me. But you need to take the day off."
Fat frowns but nods. "You're starting to worry me gummy bear but I'll do it."

"Um h-hello?" Tamaki stutters over the phone.
"Hey Suneater, I'm just calling to let you know I can't come in today. Something important came up with (Y/n)."
"Is she ok? Did something bad happen? Was she attacked by villains?" Tamaki rambles.
"Nothing like that. But she hasn't told me yet what's wrong. I hope to be back tomorrow so please hold down the fort just for today."
"Ok. Tell her I said hi and I hope everything is okay."
"Thanks Tamaki." Fat finishes then hangs up.

(Y/n) takes the blanket off and strips while her husband calls his sidekick.
The blonde comes back and blushes deeply, looking away quickly. "Gummy Bear, where did your clothes go?"
"It takes a lot to deflate you right?"
He looks at her confused. "Excuse me?"
"I wanna know how long it will take to go from this form to your other."
"This is why you needed me to call in? Don't you think..."
His question trails off at her sad expression.

The woman looks away and grabs her robe. "Nevermind. It was a stupid inquiry. I'm sure you'd rather be out saving lives and putting away bad guys. It's more important than what I had planned anyways."
The hero walks over to his wife and sits on the bed next to her. "Gummy bear," he whispers.
She looks into his eyes slowly.
"I will gladly do this with you. I wish you would've given me a little heads up though. Are you sure you're gonna be able to hold out that long?"
"I've been building up my stamina. I can last just as long as you."
"But can you handle the overstimulation?"
(Y/n) blushes softly. "I don't know."

Fat Gum kisses his wife's forehead gently. "You're so gorgeous, gummy bear. I love you so much."
(Y/n) smiles and cups his cheek. "I love you too."
The blonde slowly undresses and kisses her lips.
She kisses back and smiles against his lips.
"This will probably take all day, gummy bear."
"Then maybe we'll have to be more intense than usual." The woman responds and smirks.
The blonde blushes softly but smirks back. "Have you always had this side to you?"
(Y/n) thinks then nods. "Yeah. But I hide it pretty well."
"Well no more. I wanna see it all. Let loose babe."

(Y/n) did as requested and they were more thankful than ever that they didn't have neighbors.
He couldn't believe she had so much stamina.
They both were overstimulated but neither cared.
All day and night then into the next day they went at it.
(Y/n) was determined to see this through.
Shiro made sure to keep them hydrated, keeping plenty of water nearby.
Not only did they drink it but he poured it over her body, making her even more attractive.
The results were there and they definitely made a mess of their bedroom.
When his phone went off they ignored it.

(Y/n)'s vision begins to blur as she stares at his abs.
"I think we did it gummy bear." Shiro whispers, rubbing her hips.
"Taishiro," she whispers.
"Gummy bear?" He immediately notices her off behavior and lays her down. He grabs the water bottle on the bedside table and helps her drink.
(Y/n) grips the sheets and his arm as she drinks.
Her head is pounding and she squeezes her eyes closed.
"It's time to stop gummy bear. We've accomplished our goal. You need rest and I need to call Tamaki back." The blonde kisses his wife's forehead.
"Will you come back after and hold me?" She asks weakly.
Her eyes still won't open.
"Of course." He whispers, smiling softly.

"Hey Suneater. Sorry for missing your call."
"It's ok. I was just worried. Is everything ok with (Y/n)?"
"Oh that. Yeah I won't be in today either and depending on her condition I might need tomorrow off too. I'm really sorry-"
"Should I come visit her? Are you at the hospital? What happened to her?" Tamaki rambles quickly.
"Nothing serious Tamaki, calm down. (Y/n) is ok, mostly. She needs lots of water and rest. She's very sore."
Tamaki sighs but doesn't pry any more. "Ok. Just keep me updated please."
"Will do Suneater. Have a nice day." Shiro hangs up and sighs softly. "Poor kid," he whispers.

The hero walks back to his wife then looks around the room. "I'm definitely feeling it but I really need to clean up first."
So before he gets back into bed with (Y/n) Fat Gum cleans everything up.
Eventually he gets back into bed and holds the woman close.
"Maybe we can expect a little someone in 40 weeks, after everything we just did." The hero mumbles and smiles softly.
(Y/n) smiles in her sleep and curls into her husband.

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