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Danny POV

I had never wanted a child. Sam did but I had told her 'hell no' and she had accepted my wishes and now three weeks later guess what? That's right! CLOCKWORK LEAVES A FUCKING BABY ON MY DOORSTEP! Yep and to think I was having a goodmorning too. My ghost sense hadn't went off once during the night and I actually got some sleep. But now? Hell no. Clockwork was going to have to take this thing back.

"Is that a baby?" Sam said from behind me while she shoved me out of the way and I glared at her for a moment before picking up Clockwork's note and reading it.

- Dear Daniel. I hope you're not too angry but you see. Little Niel needs a home. His parents died and well.. I think you two can help eachother. - Love Clockwork.

Hell no. I snorted.

"Awwee you are so cute!" Sam squealed while ignoring me and picking up the baby to cuddle it.

"What did the note say?" She questioned me and so I showed her it

"His parents are dead!? OF COURSE WE CAN TAKE CARE OF HIM!" Sam shouted spooking the baby.

"Sam. I already told you that I didn't want children." I stated angrily.

"Danny. I don't think you understand what 'lost his parents' means. He has nobody. We're taking care of him whether you like it or not. The stores are that way. Get a move on." Sam growled.

"Sam I said no." I hissed and then she did something shocking. She bared her teeth at me and then brought the baby inside and I groaned.

"I'm not moving!" I told her loudly.

"Cool. I'm calling Jazz and telling her that you're completely cool with abandoning a baby and leaving it for dead." Sam called back and I ran. Fuck that. I didn't want to lose what was left of my life today. No thank you and so I headed out.

Which was also exactly how I ended up at Wal-mart in the baby aisle wanting to silently die. I had been here for five minutes now and well. All I got for the new monster in my life was toys and well. I really needed Tucker's help. He had a six month old and surely he would know what to do about this..

And so I called Tucker.

"Hey Tuck. How fast can you be at Wal-mart?" I asked him with a false smile.

"Pretty fast. Why?" Tucker answered curiously.

"Promise me you won't laugh?" I asked him.

"Oh god. What happened?" Tucker snorted.

"Promise me first." I growled.

"I promise not to laugh. Now what happened?" Tucker asked more seriously this time.

"Clockwork dropped a baby on me and now I am being forced against my will by Sam to take care of this little monster and I have no idea what I'm doing and will you please help me?" I said pleadingly.

Tucker burst into a fit of coughs for atleast a minute before he could finally respond. "Clockwork. Thrust a baby on you??" He wheezed.

"Yes. He did and I am going to kill him with my bare hands." I growled before heading to the front of the store to wait for Tucker.

"Wow. Okay well luckily for you I'm here." Tucker told me as he walked in and we both headed to the baby aisle together.

"Alright. You already got the toys. Good. Now we just need a bottle, wipes, diapers, clothes," And the list just went on and Danny could already see his wallet crying.

"And that should be it. So are you ready to shop?" Tucker grinned.

"No. Just end me now." I groaned and Tucker laughed as we got started.

It took us atleast two hours to get everything and when I got home I was exhausted and Tucker was snickering.

"Goodluck with the baby Danny." He told be before he left and I flipped him off before walking inside with the last load of bags.

Sam smiled at me before grabbing the baby formula I had on me and feeding the baby. I rolled my eyes at her and just went to bed. I was so done.

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