Dan Meets Callie

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It was the third day when Tucker called me. 

"Hey Danny what do you think about having a playdate? So that Niel can make a friend." Tucker questioned me over the phone.

"You mean so you can have a break?" I grinned.

"Well... Maybe.." Tucker admitted.

"Well then I guess we can both have a stay at home dad night." I grinned since now that Sam had to go back to her job as a cop that meant that I was now forced to be stay at home dad until she got home and I could go on patrol.

"Sounds like a plan. Alright I'm heading over." Tucker told me and I nodded before hanging up.

It took maybe three minutes for Tucker to get here and I immediately greeted him at the door and we placed both babies on the ground to see what would happen. What we got was gibberish.

"Think it's working?" Tucker muttered.

"I don't know! I'm not a baby expert!" I hissed.

And then Niel laughed.

"It's working." I muttered and we moved them both to the couch and sat on the floor. 

"Alright. Time for some gaming." Tucker beamed and my eyes lit up.

"YES! SUPER SMASH BROS LETS GO!" I squealed and we both lunged for our controllers and played until Niel let me know he needed a diaper change. Ughhh.

I made it fast so that I didn't have to suffer too much and then I returned to the game. 

I have no idea how long we played but eventually both babies were fussing so we fed them and then sat down to have a talk.

"So Danny. I see your alot closer to Niel now." Tucker smiled gently while holding his daughter.

I nodded. "I kinda just started imagining that he was my own and well... It helped. Alot." I admitted sheepishly while holding Niel

"That's always a good start." Tucker smiled.

"I'm just worried though. All the ghost have disappeared and I don't know why." I said with a frown.

"Have you asked or tried going to the ghost zone to check it out?" Tucker questioned.

I shook my head. I honestly should probably do that.

"Want me to watch the babies while you go check?" Tucker asked me with a grin.

"Yeah. That would be nice. Your the best Tuck." I told him before going ghost and leaving.

I flew straight to the ghost zone and then I went to Ember's island since she was the biggest source of gossip there was.

"Ember! You here!?" I shouted.

Ember appeared almost immediately.

"Dipstick! Why aren't you with your baby?" Ember asked while looking at me in surprise.

"Tucker is watching him. Why aren't you guys attacking like usual and how do you know about Niel?" I asked Ember cautiously.

"Desiree told me. I told everyone else. We will hold off on the attacks until your baby reaches 1 year of age and then it's game on!" Ember smirked.

I groaned and nodded.

"Soo.. Since we are on the topic of the baby.." Ember started to ask.

"No. You are not visiting. You'll probably set my house on fire with your excitement."  I told Ember irritably.

Ember pouted.

"Please! I promise to behave! I just wanna see em!" Ember begged.

I crossed my arms.

"No." I stated simply.

"Fine. You better bring him to the christmas party though! I swear! I wanna see the little babypop!" Ember ordered.

I chuckled. "Alright. Alright. I have to get going though. Niel gets nervous when he's alone for too long."

Ember nodded and I flew back home and changed back into Fenton.

"So. What did the ghosts say?" Tucker asked right as I changed back while sitting on the couch with both kids.

"They said I basically have paternity leave." I snorted.

"Awesome! I would definitely use this time to chill bro. You need it." Tucker told me with a smile.

I nodded before taking Niel from him. 

Which of course was when Sam came in.

"I'm home! What's going on boys?" Sam asked as she took off her belt and shook out her hair.

"I'm a free man until Niel turns one if Ember was being honest. Apparently ghosts do paternity leaves." I grinned.

"Really?" Sam asked in surprise.

I nodded.

"Awesome!" Sam smiled.

"Alright. Val's calling. Me and Callie gotta hit the road. Seeya Danny!" Tucker said and we bro hugged before he left.

Sam changed into her normal clothes after and we had dinner before going to bed.

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