Chapter 7- Trouble in D.C.

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After winning the Academic Decathlon, Maddi and the rest of the Midtown High students celebrated as they left the Decathlon venue and made their way to the Washington Monument

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After winning the Academic Decathlon, Maddi and the rest of the Midtown High students celebrated as they left the Decathlon venue and made their way to the Washington Monument. "You guys. I am so proud of you." Liz says.

"Told you we didn't need Peter." Flash says.

"Flash, you didn't answer a single question." Maddi says.

As the students entered the Washington Monument, Maddi was about to call Peter but her phone was already ringing and she answers it. "Oh, Maddi, you're alive." Peter says.

"Peter, are you okay?" Maddi asks, whispering.

"Mads, Mads, where's the glowy thing? The glowy thing?" Peter asks.

"Don't worry, Pete. It's safe. It's in my backpack." Maddi says as she puts her backpack on the conveyor belt.

"No, Maddi, listen. The glowy thing is dangerous." Peter says.

"You missed the decathlon. Ned and I had to cover for you." Maddi says.

"Maddi, listen to me!" Peter shouts.

"We're at the Washington Monument. You gotta..." Maddi was interrupted when Liz takes her phone.

"Peter, is that you?" She asks.

"Hey, Liz. Please put Maddi back on the phone." Peter says.

"You freak! You are so lucky we won. You know, I want to be mad, but I'm more worried. Like, what is going on with you?" Liz asks.

"Liz, I have to talk to Maddi. It's really important." Peter says.

"Miss, all items on the belt, please." A security guard says to Liz. Not hanging up, Liz puts Maddi's phone on the belt to be scanned along with her backpack.

"Liz, there's something in Maddi's backpack! It's really dangerous. Don't let it go through an X-ray." Peter shouted on the phone. Maddi walks through the security scanner not concerned with what Peter was saying about the glowing thing in her backpack. She picks up her backpack while Liz gives her phone back to her. It had turned off when it went through the X-ray and she steps into an elevator with the rest of the students.

"Hey, Mr. Harrington, can I be the one to tell Peter he's expelled?" Flash asks.

"Shut up, Flash." Maddi says.

"The Washington Monument is 555 feet, five and 1/8 inches tall." The tour guide says in a bored voice as the elevator went up. As the tour guide continued to speak, the glowy thing in Maddi's backpack erupts with light, breaking the glass in the elevator and the tip of the monument cracks.


"My friends are up there!" Michelle exclaimed as Peter arrived at the monument.

"What? Uh...don't worry, ma'am, everything's gonna be okay." Peter says as he starts to run through the crowd. "Excuse me, excuse me. Oh, man, that's tall." Peter leaps onto the side of the monument and crawls up.

Back on the elevator, Maddi throws her backpack on the ground after the glowy thing had exploded. "Look at the ceiling." Flash says nervously as he noticed a red glowing crack had been cut across the elevator ceiling.

"Just stay calm, everyone." Liz says.

"Oh, we are all going to die here." Abe says.

"We're so screwed." Charles says.

"Okay, guys. I know that was scary, but our safety systems are working." The tour guide says, not showing any emotion after witnessing an explosion inside the elevator. She continues to drone on. "We're very safe in here."

Suddenly, the doors to the elevator shaft open and the park rangers begin to help the students out of the elevator. "Okay, who's next?" Mr. Harrington asks, once a few of the students were able to get out of the elevator safely. Mr. Harrington was about to help Liz climb up but Flash shoves Liz to get out first and holds tightly onto the trophy in his hand.

"Me, it's my turn." Flash says.

"Flash, seriously? What are you doing?" Ned asks.

"Don't worry about the trophy." Cindy says. Flash climbs through the hatch in the ceiling of the elevator, but it starts to shake. Once the park rangers help Flash up, the elevator starts to fall with Maddi, Ned, Liz and Mr. Harrington still inside. Peter crashes through a window and shoots a web onto the falling elevator. He braces his feet against the doors of the shaft and for a moment the elevator stops.

The elevator doors suddenly break loose and Peter falls after the plummeting elevator. It catches on a beam and Peter falls in through the ceiling on his back. The impact breaks off a wheel and the elevator starts to drop again. Peter shoots a web through the hole in the ceiling, stopping the elevator's descent. Hanging upside down with his feet braced against the ceiling of the elevator, Peter grabs on to the strand of web, and tries to pull on a Queen's accent so no one could recognize who he is.

"Hey, how you doing? Don't worry about it. I got you." Peter says.

"Yes! Yes." Ned exclaimed, swinging his fist in joy and relief, making the elevator wobble.

"Hey, hey, hey. Big guy, quit moving around." Peter says.

"Sorry. I'm so sorry, sir." Ned says.

With his web still attached to the ceiling, Peter slowly pulls the elevator up the shaft, reaching the upper floor. The doors open and Ned, Maddi and Mr. Harrington get out.

"Alright, this is your stop." Peter says. "Go, go, go. Everybody out! Move it, people. Move it, move it!"

Liz reaches out, but before she can hold Mr. Harrington's hand, the ceiling snaps. Peter shoots a web at Liz as the elevator falls and it attaches to her wrist. "You're okay. You're okay." Peter says. Peter pulls her up by the web, then takes her hand.

"So, uh, is everyone okay?" Peter asks, once he helped Liz to safety. Liz nods her head. For a moment, Liz and Peter lock eyes until his web snaps and he falls. Maddi gasps and she and everyone with her look down the elevator shaft as he falls.

"Thank you." Mr. Harrington says.

"Are you really friends with Peter and Maddi Parker?" Flash asks.
A/N: Well, that a close one! The good thing is, everyone is okay!

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