I'm Curious

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   So that's the first arc!

    I originally copied this here so I could read the story offline, but it came to my attention that some people are reading this.

       I'm curious... Does everyone like this kind of patriotic novel? Or is it too heavy for some? Because when I was still reading novels at mtlnovel.com, the comment section would be full of dislike to nationalistic chinese novels...

        And if you like the first arc and want to finish the rest of the novel, you can just find it at m.shubaow.net.

       Also, if you feel that nationalistic novels are too solemn or boring, you can also find stories like "Justice Across The Dimensions"... It's about a cop who travels through small worlds to seek justice for wronged souls. In short, it's a career-oriented novel. There are CPs in some worlds but would not make you too attached. This is a story with male protagonist, but with no ecchi or harem content lol. Too bad, there are too many chapters, I'm too lazy to take it here.

      Oh, JATD can be found on mtlnovel but idk if they fixed the chapters though.

Anyways, happy reading!

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