16. Hot Blood Casts The Soul Of The Sky

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    In this life, Cen Miao lived to be eighty years old. During this period of time, she has grown from a core designer to a head teacher.

    From the 'Zhurong' landing on Mars, to the construction of Mars, to the successful design of a nuclear | powered spacecraft.

    Since then, the Chinese people have had an unimpeded path to explore space, and that spaceship that is capable of flying out of the solar system has brought the Chinese country into the path of truly traveling in the universe.

    Cen Miao became the most famous aerospace scientist in China, and later generations believed that she really promoted the progress of China's aerospace.

    But it is such a beloved academician who has kept a low profile all his life.

    She regards fame and fortune as water, and makes a solid contribution to the obscurity of her work. She always weakens her personal performance to the media, always emphasizing that it is the spirit of Huaguo Aerospace that has created the current brilliance.

    She always said that there are many great people, and she is just a member of the tens of thousands of spaceflight troops.

    She always said that national rejuvenation needs a backbone, and that a generation has a mission of a generation, and she just completed the responsibility that should be completed.

    [Ding, congratulations to the host for completing this task - casting a heavenly soul. ]

    [Mission determination level...]

    ​​[The host has additionally fulfilled the original owner's dream of becoming an astronaut. Congratulations to the host, the task is determined by SSS, and the reward is 1000 points. 】

    Cen Miao opened her eyes, and she returned to the familiar dark space again.

    With the end of the task level determination, a 7-inch photo appeared in her hand, and then a 3D-shaped stereoscopic image was placed in the air.

    The protagonist in the video is her.

    She wears work clothes and works around the clock in the Aerospace Design Institute.

    The space station was successfully launched, the Zhurong landed on Mars, and the spacecraft traveled in space.

    Every important manned spaceflight that goes on has her figure.

    The image gradually disappeared and ended, and a string of text emerged.

    The great history is glorious, the great country is great. Invite the sun and the moon to come to one side, and look at the oriental world Lang Lang. ①

    This is the realism of Huaguo Aerospace, and it is the result of the efforts of countless astronauts.

    Cen Miao let go, and the photo rose to the top to gather with the photos that were also glowing.

    [Host, do you want to accept the emotions of the last world? 】

    Hearing this sentence, she couldn't help but be a little curious, and blinked: "Where are the emotions of those worlds stored by you?" The

    glowing system ball flew up and down, and a rumbling sound came from the space, and a cabinet was out of thin air. appear.

    "Host, the emotions of your previous worlds are stored here. If necessary, you can call them out and use them at any time."

    Cen Miao walked over. The cabinet was a large mahogany cabinet, and each square cabinet was individually Separated, the corresponding world number is posted on the outside. She opened the cabinet of the desert dawn, and there was a sphere of faint light inside.

    "Why are my emotions pulled away? My memory still hasn't changed?" The

    system ball replied: "In order to ensure that the host will not be affected by the previous world, only emotions are pulled away. You will not be overjoyed when you think about it, but you will never forget it. The cognition of getting along in the memory will not change, and the memory will not be lost."


    Cen Miao closed the small cabinet.

    "Host, do you want to preserve the emotions of this world?"


    Soon, there was a label on the small cabinet: Heavenly Soul.

    "Host, do you want to continue to complete the task next? Or choose to stay and rest?"

    Saying that it is a rest is really a rest.

    The surroundings were pitch-dark, there was not even a projection TV, and it was estimated that he could only sleep all the time.

    So, she could only say: "Get ready to launch into the next world."

    "Okay!" The system's voice was very cheerful.

    After all, who doesn't like a diligent host?

    The most important thing is that the host has a high degree of task completion, and now it occupies the first place in the task list, and other systems in the fast pass can envy it!

    The system's tail is cocked high.

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