12. Hot Blood Casts The Soul Of The Sky

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  In the large factory building, various equipments are placed, and a large cabin hangs in the center of the factory.

    It happened to be lunch time, and the workers in the factory had already gone to lunch.

    There are still a few people from the design department left in the corner.

    Several people gathered around a table, and their faces were covered with oil stains. Yu Liguo took a pen and drew a line on the drawing.

    "Look, this place has to arrange a separate bedroom for the astronauts. It's been so long in the sky, we have to find a way to satisfy them with comfort."

    "You're right." Cen Miao looked at the cabin on the blueprint After pondering for a moment, "The position of the bed is set here, the width and length, we have to find a way to leave as much as possible for the astronauts, not too crowded."

    "This issue really cannot be settled." Tian Yuankai pushed Holding the frame on the bridge of his nose, his expression was solemn.

    "Alas..." Jing Cheng crouched on the ground, fiddling with some parts on the ground, he said sullenly.

    "The cost of trial and error is too high for us, and several capsules have been scrapped during this time. Besides, our funding is different from that of the United States. They have 20 billion US dollars a year, and we can't even reach half of them. The space station must ensure that The comfort of astronauts must be guaranteed on the basis of funding."

    "It's difficult..."

    "It's difficult." Cen Miao comforted a few people, "It's not difficult for us to do it. Let's design another plan."

    "Ehhh." Lu Dong suddenly interrupted everyone, turning around and taking out a diary from his bag, a gossip smile rarely appeared on his handsome face.

    "Don't think about this for now, I'll show you a good thing. Academician Cen, do you know? I found her in my grandpa's diary!"

    As soon as the words came out.

    The conversation of several people stopped instantly.

    Cen Miao blinked.

    "How could Academician Cen not know." Yu Liguo recalled, with a mask of pain on his face. "There are so many great achievements and achievements, he memorized me for three days and three nights in the primary school knowledge test."

    After that, he said Sighed.

    "It's so terrifying. Your grandfather probably has a crush on Academician Cen, right?"

    Lu Dong slapped Yu Liguo on the head as soon as he finished speaking.

    I saw Ren Ludong took out the large yellowed group photo and pointed mysteriously to a position in the middle of the front row, "Do you know who this person is?"

    Yu Liguo looked over curiously. The location is obviously a lady, with short hair and wearing a liberation suit, but because of the long time, the lady's face was oxidized by a stain, so she couldn't see it clearly.

    "This is Academician Cen! I still went back and searched the list, only to find out that she is in this photo."

    "Oh." Yu Liguo grabbed the photo, "Don't say it, Academician Cen's temperament is seen through the photo. It 's not ordinary!"

    Cen Miao sat on the side, expressionless.

    Yes, in my lifetime, I can still hear the younger generation criticize me in front of my face.

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