Chapter 9

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In the lab, Romeo had locked Diego up in a cage while he waited for his mind reader, a sinister looking device consisting of a dentist chair, computer and helmet, to fully charge up. Montague patiently waited with the two droids by his side.

“Done. Put him in the chair” Romeo ordered The Droids. “Don’t worry Mr. Alvarez, this won’t hurt. Though, you may suffer permanent amnesia as a side effect”. He let out another evil laugh. Diego braced himself, he wouldn’t go down without a fight.

Then the door of the lab swung open and Henry came in.

“One moment son,” Montague said. “Henry, back from your mission I see”. Then he noticed the shape Henry was in. “Would you care to explain why you are soaking wet? Or where the other droids are? Or the Night Totems?”

“Those brats. They did this to me” Henry grumbled.

“Brats? Explain yourself Henry'' Montague demanded. So Henry told him all about his humiliating encounter with the 3 young superheroes. How all of them had taken one of the stones and transformed into animal themed superheroes, after which they trashed the droids and sent Henry running, forcing him to take a taxi cab to get back.

Montague’s face remained mostly stoic, but his cheeks nonetheless turned red and he narrowed his eyes. In the cage, Diego’s mouth fell open when he heard Henry’s story. Romeo grinned. His father was getting angry; this wouldn’t end well for Henry.

“So let me get this straight,” Montague spoke, trying to maintain his usual calm voice. “You let the night totems fall into the hands of 3 children, and now they have their powers and they kicked your butt. And then to think I just told Diego here what a great employee you are. You disappoint me Henry. And I don’t like to be disappointed”.

Henry clenched his hands into fists. “Well, boss. Maybe you should have told me about what those stones could do before sending me to get them and abduct him” he pointed at Diego.

Montague snatched his fingers. The 2 droids grabbed Henry and lifted him in the air. “You should know better than to talk back to Henry, especially after such a big failure. Son, fire this incompetent fool”.

Henry’s eyes went wide in shock. “No boss, please. I can make this right”.

“With pleasure dad” Romeo gloated. He pushed a button on the wall. A hatch in the floor opened up and a giant cannon slowly rose up from the ground. Another hatch opened in the ceiling, revealing the night sky. At Romeo’s orders, the droids pushed the struggling and screaming Henry in the cannon. Diego put his hands over his ears, but mostly out of reflex because he saw Romeo and Montague do the same thing, since his mind was still processing what Henry had said.

With an ear deafening bang, Henry was shot out of the cannon and through the hatch in the ceiling. Having ditched his father’s right hand man, Romeo lowered the cannon back into the ground. “Now father, shall we continue interrogating Mr. Alvarez?”

“No son”. Montague noticed the disappointment on Romeo’s face. “I know you were looking forward to using your machine, but I’m afraid the plans have changed. If Diego’s son and his friends have the Night Totems now, we may need Diego as a hostage. And I’m sure he’s more useful to us that way with his mind still intact. Now, do me a favour and try to track down these young would-be-superheroes.”

Romeo sighed and turned back to his computer screen. Diego meanwhile sat down against the bars of the cage. “Connor…. please be careful son” he thought  to himself.

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