chapter 23

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“And so, reclusive millionaire Douglas Montague has been arrested on charges of domestic terrorism, property damage, owning a weapon of mass destruction, theft of the Fulgur Gemma and most likely many other valuable artifacts, and a long list of smaller crimes. When searching his mansion, the police found evidence of this madman’s plan for world conquest, remains of a secret laboratory and a list of 2 dozen artefacts that have been reported stolen all around the world over the past 4 years, although the artefacts themselves were not found in the mansion.”

Watching the afternoon news Diego and Maria both saw footage of Montague being escorted into prison. Behind them Greg, Amaya and Connor pretended to be playing, but secretly they too watched the news.

“He’ll be lucky if he gets only a life sentence,” Diego remarked.

“You still didn’t tell me how you escaped honey,” Maria said. Diego just smiled. “Wait and see”.

The anchorwoman continued: “In a statement earlier today the police made it clear they had no hand in taking down Montague and his giant robot. We also spoke to several witnesses who claim they saw 3 rather unusual vehicles fight off Montague’s robot. Simultaneously, there is this mysterious totem pole that has suddenly appeared in the park”.

Now footage was shown of the totem pole, with 2 police officers examining the strange structure, trying to determine what it could be.

“Finally, we spoke with local archaeologist and historian Diego Alvarez, who used to work for Montague and claims to have been abducted by his former boss last night, but thankfully was saved by 3 superheroes who, according to him, were the ones that took Montague down.”

It was a good thing his parent’s backs were turned to them, since Connor blushed upon hearing this. Greg and Amaya’s cheeks likewise turned red.

Maria of course wanted to know everything about these heroes, but Diego only told her he didn’t know who they were or where they came from. When she asked him about the stone box he brought home the day before, Diego claimed he gave it to the police as evidence.

“You're hiding something for me honey” Maria said, but decided not to press the matter any further. After what happened last night, she was happy that her family was still safe and sound. After she left the room, Connor, Greg and Amaya joined Diego on the couch.

“So, how did things go at the police station Mr. Alvarez” Greg asked.

Diego silenced the tv. “Well Greg, with what I told them on top of the evidence they already found, I wouldn’t worry about Montague anymore for a long, long time. And don’t worry about him knowing your true identities. A man like Montague is way too proud to admit he got beaten by 3 kids, even if they were superpowered kids. He’ll keep this information to himself. The police also found Henry. He has some broken bones, but is otherwise fine, and from what I understood he too is going to testify against Montague in return for a lighter sentence”.

“And Montague’s kid, Romeo?” Amaya asked.

Diego frowned. “Unfortunately, he’s too young even for juvenile hall, and I don’t think any jury would believe a 6-year-old boy could build such dangerous weapons as the Juggernaut. He will probably be sent to live with other relatives or in a foster home”.

He turned the volume of the tv on again, just in time to hear the anchorwoman conclude her story about last night’s events. “Of course, the one question that remains. If these heroes are real, who are they?”

“Yes, who are they?” Amaya mimicked. Connor and Greg laughed. “Good one Amaya”.

“No Connor, I’m serious. We still haven’t thought of a name for ourselves” Amaya said.

“How about the Lizard Avengers,” Greg suggested.

“Greg, only your powers are based on a lizard,” Connor remarked.  “That also rules out my suggestion of Night Cats”.

“Let’s see, our powers only work at night, our costumes are based on our pyjamas, we wear masks…” Amaya began, then paused. She looked at Connor and Greg, and realised they were following the same train of thoughts.

All nodded. “We are… THE PJ MASKS!”.

Meanwhile, far away from the Alvarez’ home, Romeo was in his new room. The guest bedroom of a distant aunt he had been sent to live with.

The boy was angry. No, that was too light a word. He was furious. His dad was in jail. Their house has been confiscated by the authorities. The only thing Romeo had been able to save before the police arrived was his mobile laboratory, which he had stored in the garage of the mansion.

“I’ll get them. That kitty litter, that lizard boy, and that bird brain. All of them” he thought as he examined the blueprints he had been working on for the past 3 hours. They were for a robot, with a large oval shaped body, arms and legs that could stretch to many times their usual length, and a purple eye on top of its head. When completed it would be Romeo’s new helper. A far more useful one than those droids he built for his dad.

“I will avenge you dad. And conquer the world. For the both of us”. 

Thanks for reading

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