chapter 11

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“This place is a maze” Amaya complained after multiple wrong turns that only led to dead ends. She passed another painting, this one showing only the boy in the lab coat. But as she flew past it, the eyes of the boy in the painting shifted in her direction, like pretty much every painting in an old Scooby-Doo cartoon. Down in the lab, Romeo saw her on his monitor and chuckled. “Hello there birdy”.

He switched to another image, this one showing the hallway on the ground floor, seemingly empty.  Being invisible, Greg didn’t bother to try and avoid any potential camera’s here. Unfortunately for him they were equipped with an infrared lens, so when Romeo switched to infrared vision Greg was clearly visible.

“And here’s another one. Peek-a-boo lizard boy”.

Montague shook his head. “Entering without invitation. I think these youngsters need to learn some manners. Go ahead son, but remember. I want them alive… for now”. Behind them, Diego gritted his teeth.

Romeo pushed 2 buttons. In the hallway, a trapdoor suddenly opened under Greg. With a scream the boy fell in the metal shaft beneath. It wasn’t very deep, barely 15 feet, but that was too high for Greg to jump out, as he soon discovered. Above him, the trapdoor closed again. “Oh no. Guys, I’m stuck”.

“Hold on Greg, I’m coming. As soon as I figure out how” Connor answered. The ventilation ducts were as much of a maze as the rest of the house.

“And I’m a little busy right now” Amaya said, while she barely dodged a net coming at her. One moment the upstairs hallway had been quiet, then all of a sudden, multiple guns had appeared from the ceiling and were trying to capture her by firing nets. She managed to dodge them so far, but the assault made it impossible for her to keep track of where she was going. Soon, she found herself at a dead end again, with a net gun ready to fire right behind her.

Realising it would be a while before his friends could get to him, Greg punched the wall of the shaft in frustration… and found his hand stuck to the surface. With great effort he pulled it free again.

“Gasping Gekko’s. I wonder…” He pushed his hand against the surface again, and it stuck. Carefully he tried his other hand, then his feet. They all stuck to the wall too, like glue. Greg tried to climb, and it worked!

“Guys, you don’t believe this. I just found out I can climb walls!”. In no time Greg had reached the trapdoor and pushed it open, reentering the hallway.

Upstairs, the last gun fired it’s net at Amaya. With no way out, she instead hovered in the air, facing the gun as it fired.  “Owl Wing Wind”. For a moment the wings on her suit glowed with a red light, then a gust of wind struck the net midair and blew it back against the wall.

Amaya waited for another net, but none came. Apparently each gun could fire only once. Feeling safe, she left her position and continued her search. After 2 more turns, she finally found the stairs and flew down, where she bumped into Greg.

“Owlette!” Greg hugged her. Amaya hugged him back. “Catboy, you hear us. We’re okay”.

In the ventilation ducts, Connor had heard everything. “Yes. Good job guys, and congratulations with your new powers Greg”. Then he heard something else. The man and the boy. “And I think I know the way out of here. I’ll just follow my ears”.

In the lab, Romeo screamed in frustration. The bird girl and the lizard boy had escaped his traps, and the cat boy was nowhere to be seen.

“Calm down Romeo,” Montague said. “Anger is hardly a good advisor”. He looked at the computer screen. “It seems they are near the vault. Don’t bother with any other traps son. I think it’s time I start acting like a proper host, and personally welcome our guests. Keep looking for the third one. This won’t take long”.

Montague left the lab. Romeo tried several more cameras positioned around the house, but found nothing. Out in the front yard, the dog had retreated to his dog house.

Not in the yard and not in the hallways. So that only left one place. That was when Romeo noticed the sound of something, or someone, crawling through the ventilation ducts.

“There you are. Come in here kitty, I have a surprise for you” he thought.

Thanks for reading

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