[Prologue] - Reality Warping

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Anyone who hasn't heard of the Honkai would be either living under a rock for their lifetime or is just plain stupid to not even know in the first place.

They plagued the world like a stain, bringing destruction and despair everywhere it went with the emergence of Herrschers, rulers of the Honkai energy itself simply fuelling the chaos.

The Honkai itself is capable of infecting humans and animals alike in order to fuel its own army to further invade the world, and those who fell under it became slaves like the rest.

Valkyries are female humans born and taught to fight against the Honkai itself, whether it would risk their lives or not, it was their duty to free the world from any perils.

Though humanity has a common enemy, it still stands divided and shattered with many people constantly betraying others for the sake of themselves, organizations rise and fall because of others and the cycle goes on and on.

Schicksal and Anti-Entropy, two major contenders of the war against Honkai that were forever at odd with each other, especially when the latter was founded by its sovereign.

Saint Freya Academy, a place where girls with adequate resistance against the Honkai are sent to become Valkyries, is a separate organization that does not directly respond to Schicksal's orders, therefore making it a free branch of the tree.

With St. Freya itself being an organization that safeguards humanity from the Honkai, it too has its own method of transportation for the Valkyries to reach their destinations in time.

Namely, the giant battleship that constantly hovers near the academy known as; The Hyperion.

The titanic contraption itself is capable of reaching speed over an average fighter jet, it is regarded as one of the most successful creation of mankind's fight against the Honkai.

Thus, with Valkyries leading the fight, a Captain is also needed to guide and instruct them and pilot the Hyperion into victory.

Yet... something has gone wrong for the Captain.


The sky turned grey with the clouds rolling in slowly and obscuring the sunlight from the people walking below, it wasn't long before a faint crack of thunder was heard and rain began pouring down onto the streets and buildings.

With the presence of a rain that seemingly went on and on continuously without pause, a dull and sombre atmosphere quietly drifted into the minds of many, children and adults, students and teachers, Valkyries and Valkyries alike.

Despite the sombre mood, classes for the Valkyries-in-training went on as normal and teachers taught their classes while girls sparred and took notes with each other in combat lessons.

However, amidst the many teachers and students of St. Freya, one figure paced around in her office with her mind completely occupied. 

To say Theresa Apocalypse was worried is an understatement.

It wasn't an issue with the lessons, nor was it an issue with the students or her precious niece, the problem itself relates more to the sole male and member of St. Freya; the Captain.

Y/N L/N or who is more known as the Captain of the Hyperion and Valkyries, is a young man who was hired a few months ago, his performance exceeded her expectations and he not only came back with successful results but also respected the girls and kept his place to himself.

He was not only respectful to everyone, but he was also patient with them all, seemingly almost have not a single switch that could trigger him and no one ever saw him angry. 

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