~Chapter 13~

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Abusive content ahead
Skip this chapter if you can't handle reading such. 

Blair's POV

I stood up shakenly and made my way to the bathroom. I took care not to look in the mirror, knowing I'll definitely look like some freak show.

I pick a bowl and mix water with detergent and make my way back to the living room with a rag dangling from my hands.

I mop the floor clean of blood and sweat wincing every once in a while as I mount certain amount of pressure on my injured back.

I takes me quite a lot of energy and I feel like the wind is being knocked out of me. But I know better than to pass out.

I walk back to the bathroom, wash the rag and clean up as much of my injury as I can reach. Taking my shirt off, I soak a towel in disinfectant a wrap it around my back. It hurt like a bitch, but I know better than to leave it untreated. Removing the towel, I dump it in the sink and quickly wrapped my mid section with the bandage I found in the cabinet. I wash my hands and rush to the kitchen to start dinner.

Checking through the cabinet, I decide on pasta and baked eggs.

A few minutes to round off my cooking and I hear the front door open silently and close back in that manner. Not really paying much attention to it, I continue stirring the pasta.

I clean the dishes I use and turn the gas off.
Signing in relief from the exhaustion, I walk up the stairs to my room hoping to catch some sleep, even if it's just a little. I make a mental note to check Elle when I wake up
If only I knew...

I wake up an look out the window. Little light comes into the room and I can tell that it's around 7 in the evening.

Now that's weird.

I get up and walk out of my room, heading for the bathroom. Still no one yells my name, or Elle's name. Now it's getting really disturbing. I do my business and wash my hands, heading downstairs when I hear voices.

Familiar voices.

"She said not to call you. I would have come sooner, but I had to get somewhere," I recognize that voice to be the nurse's voice.

Men I'm so dead.

"Oh, thank you very much Miss Rose. I'll ensure she's alright. She'll stay in tomorrow so I can keep a eye on her," Dad's wife said in a sickingly sweet voice and I felt myself cringe at the sound of it.

"Alright, I'll be on my way then,"

"Stay for dinner Miss. It's the least we can do to repay your kindness," dad said. And that's when I knew my life was over. Miss Rose would see how my parents treat me and soon the whole school would know.

"Oh, alright then," she replies.
That's it, I'm gonna pass out now.

Or at least that's what I wanted to do before dad called me.

"Blair?" His voice gave me goosebumps, and not in nice way.
I ran down the stairs as fast as legs could carry me.

"Set the table," the coldness was evident in his voice. I felt sick to my stomach.

"Yes sir"

I walk quickly to the kitchen unlike the calm, collected and graceful way I walk at school. I grab the pots and share the content into the plates. I carry them to the dinning table and add a bunch of other necessary things.

After doing that, I go upstairs to call Elle and thats when all hell broke.


My life is so over.

Okay, I have being saying that a lot lately, but this time, I'm for real.

I race down the stairs and six pairs of eyes stare at me. That's when my life finally dropped right out my mouth.

I couldn't close it and if it were possible, my jaw would be touching the ground.

My dad's wife, and Miss Rose look alike!!!

How could I not see that?!

They are officially offering me as sacrifice to the gods tonight.

"You're drooling," mom snapped.

"I...I can't...I can't find Elle,"

"Where is she?" Dad asked calmly. Too calm. This can't be good.

"I don't know. I have seen her just once since I came back from school," I think that's the longest statement I have made since I came back from school today.

"What do you mean by that?!" Dad's wife screams like a banshee.

"We haven't talked since..." I couldn't complete my statement before mom pounced on me and started hitting me like a psycho.

I was so shocked! But not as shocked as when Miss Rose joined her. I didn't know what to do.

I screamed and cried as they hit my stomach, head, back and basically every hittable part of me.

I knew the neighbors won't come. They've never once come to my rescue before.

They didn't come when Dad would beat my mom till she nearly dies

They didn't come when he would throw her outside in the rain at night

So, they definitely won't come now.
The hitting finally stopped. Just as I was about to take a breath of relief, I saw what changed my mentallity...for ever.

There, dad stood in his glory, holding a whip and laughing like a manic!!!

Just kidding...

There wasn't a whip

It's three whips!!!

They pass among themselves laughing wickedly and started hitting me.

I just want to die right.

I really want everything to end for me right now.

They all hit my back, and legs and hands. They leave my face out as usual.

It's like they are trying to hide their crime. Or is it even a crime? I don't know anymore. Sometimes I feel like this is actually normal. The hitting and all, I'm getting used to it.

The whipping finally stops, and all three of them are panting like no other.

I thought they'll walk up the stairs and go to bed like the other times, but they surprise me instead.

I'm dragged to the kitchen and bounded hands and legs. I feel bile rise up in my throat and scrunch up my face.

Dad slaps me across the face and I throw up. I receive another slap and dad tapes my mouth.

Then I see them talk out of the room and settle down to eat dinner. It's like nothing happened just then.

The atmosphere is so calm.

They talk animatedly like a normal couple.

That's when if finally hit me.

I hadn't had dinner!!!

Just kidding.

Elle's gone!!!

And just in case you're wondering...I hadn't had dinner.


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Bläïr änd whïtë

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