~Chapter 15~

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Blair's POV

I'm not sure how long I've slept for before I felt someone tugging at the ropes on my hands. It is dark so  I can't make out the face of the person. Whoever it is roughly loosen the ropes and stumps out of the kitchen.

A few seconds pass before I hear the front door slam shut. I bend over and loosened the ropes on my legs, then I pull the tape off my mouth trying invain not to scream.

I look towards the stairs to see if anyone is, straining my ears to see if I'll pick up any sound. Seeing I'm save, I try standing up, suppressing a cry. My entire body is sore, and the injuries are already dried up making it difficult to move my joints without hurting myself.

I finally make it to the bathroom upstairs and begin cleaning the cuts. It's not the most easy thing to do. My skin is covered with bruises of different shades. Blue, black, red... you name it. It hurt to look at, and hurt even ten times more to clean. I disinfect the injuries and swallow a pill of ampicillin to stop the bleeding and dry the injuries since they started bleeding again.

I limp to my room and go through my previous assignment before arranging my books inside my bag with the timetable. I limp back down to the kitchen to make breakfast for dad and his wife. It take me a while to complete and by the time I'm done, the day is already bright. I walk into the living room to check the time and see that it's a few minutes before seven. Turning around, I see my dad's wife looking at me from the base of the stairs and stumble back in shock.

How did I not eat her come down?

"Is my breakfast ready?" She asked in a rough voice showing the she's only just woke up.

"Yes," I replied trying really hard to avoid eye contact. It's only matter of seconds before I feel the stinging sensation of a slap on my face. I'm too stressed from last night to even cry. So, the only reaction she gets out of me, is a wince, which doesn't please her, but she let's it slide.

"Set the table for my husband and I. Then start cleaning. There would be no school for you till your wounds heals up. We can't have the school finding out more your... predicament" she says wickedly and goes back to whatever hole she crawled out of.

The news that I won't be going to school didn't come as a surprise after I overheard her conversation yesterday. I was only a bit surprised that she expended the period of me staying at home. I know she can't keep me at home for long, else, the principal would be storming her way to my house. I may mean nothing to her, but having a star student and her head girl drop her GPA would not look good on the school's record. And she would have to answer to the board of directors.

I walk to the kitchen and get the plates. Then I go about the entire routine and set the table. When I'm done, I go to the storeroom to get the cleaning supplies and I get started with cleaning.

Arian's POV

It's almost time for first period and Blair's nowhere to be seen. I have being waiting at her locker since I got to school half an hour ago.

What the actual fuck?!

She's never this late. It's against Blair code no. 11.

She never breaks the Blair code for any reason.

I'm now in full panick phase. And where the hell is Patrick.

"Yo!" I hear a familiar voice from behind me.

"Where the fuck have you being?!"

"Chill out babe. I was talking with someone. I'm here now,"

" I'm sorry. It's just that Blair's never this late,"

" I think something's wrong,"

" Maybe we should talk to Henry?" It's our only option, though. He's the one who saw how severe the injuries were.

"I'll call him."


It takes  about five minutes before I see Henry walking towards us, his face looking like someone who was present during a zombie apocalypse.

"Dude what's up with you face?" Patrick beats me to asking him.

"Nevermind me. We need to get to Blair. If she isn't here, the something's definitely wrong." Panic and tiredness are  evident in his voice. He didn't look one bit like the arrogant guy I knew last week.

"Let's get to her house," Patrick says as he fumbles with his backpack looking for his car keys.
"We're going to need permission form the school. So I'll go talk with Miss Rose," I leave them and hurry to the clinic.

Blair better be alright and she owes me a million dollar explanation for keeping this from me. Well it's not like I don't keep things from her. But still...

I knock gently on the door and walk right in. Miss Rose seems to be in a good mood today if that smile is anything to go by.

"Hello dear. What do you need?" She asks in a sweet voice. And this is why everyone loves her. She's super nice.

"Hi. I need permission to go check on a friend."

" What's your friend's name?" She asks as she opens a book from her table and picks up a pen.

"Blair Dili"

I could have sworn her facial expressions changed to a really strange one. But, it's returned back to normal as soon as it changed and I almost concluded I was seeing things.


"Alright dear. Fill this book out and you have only two hours." She said in a sweet voice. I am getting confused. But, I hide it well. I fill out the book and she goes through it.

"Henry and Patrick. Do you trust them. It's not save for a girl to go out with two boys being the only girl," she says as she looks through the space I filled containing those coming along with me.

"Yeah, it's okay. And I have pepper spray," I say as I bring out the can from the side pocket of my backpack.

"Run along now. You don't have all day."

I walk back to the boys who were already waiting for me in the outside. Henry gets his car started as soon as he spots me and Patrick wait till I'm settled in his car before following after him.

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