Chapter 22.

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Henry's POV

Today, I just want to walk to school. I need fresh air and space to think. After mom dropped the bomb on dad and I and I couldn't just help but wish I didn't hear that. Ignorance is truly bliss. When I went upstairs that day, she and dad followed me and argued right in front of my door. I prayed so hard for my door to become sound-proof but God wasn't having it.


"You'd better start explaining yourself,"

"Henry, come out and let's have breakfast like a family!"

"Are we even a family?!" 

"Listen to your mom, Henry. Come out right now!"

" I said explain what you said earlier!!!"

" I don't know what you're talking about. Henry, I'm waiting,"

" Don't test me, woman!"

" What are gonna do?! Hit me?"

" When have I ever done that?!"

"Henry, come out!"

"What the hell did you mean by it's all you?!"

"Fine!!! You wanna know so bad, don't you?!"


"I didn't let you two get close because he's all I have left, okay!!!"
That's when I opened my door and came out. 

"When you were still a baby, you had a big sister. Your dad used to take her with him a lot and soon he wanted to travel with you too. But, I hardly ever saw her, so I refused. You were only a little boy, so you won't remember. On your third birthday, I planned a surprise for the whole family. Your dad didn't show up. He didn't respond to he's text or calls. The next morning, I got a call. She died, Henry. He killed her. He killed Bella."

I'd never seen mom cry so hard. I know she do cry sometimes, even though she tries to hide it, but this is the hardest I've ever seen her cry.

"Dad?" I just wanted confirmation.

"I-I, No I didn't. I just-didn't see the vehicle coming," The look on his face was that of pure guilt and shame.

"After that I did everything in my power to keep you both apart. I didn't want to lose you too. And when you got older, I'll always tell him that you don't want to see him or speak with him. He started hating you, even though he really didn't want to. He tried everything, Henry. He tried giving you your freedom as much as you wanted, he gave you your choice of cars, he wanted to to live the typical high school life. But, you only hated him more. He stopped scolding you and wanted you to do whatever you wanted but..."she broke down into sobs. I hugged mom till she was calm then retired back to my room, needing space to process everything.

~end of flashback~

I can't believe they kept this from me. So I had a sister all along and she died. Or dad killed her... whichever.
It wasn't too long before I reached the gates. I looked around for Blair, praying silently that I see her. Even though I'm not planning on talking to her, I just need to see that she's alright.

Walking down the hallway, I couldn't help but hear the gossips fly around.

'she cut her air completely!'

'she's pregnant!'

'she looks pale. I'm sure she's pregnant,'

I rush to the ladies bathroom hoping to find her. Push the door open, I spot a girl with low cut standing with her back to me. Weird. There's not one girl in this school on a low cut.

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