Chapter 14: Friends?

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"A friend is someone you can be alone with and have nothing to do and not be able to think of anything to say and be comfortable in silence." -Sheryl Condie

Isabella POV

"First thing we have to do is get your schedule from the secretary, Miss Chesser, then I'll take you to your class which we hopefully have together." Ilias told me quickly, walking backwards. Surely that isn't safe, what if he falls? Or runs into something or someone? 

We turned the corner and there was a lady sitting at a desk looking over a file, taking a few notes between glances at it. She had light brown hair that was pulled up in a ponytail, her eyes a hazel color. "Miss Chesser, how's your day going?" Ilias asked smugly, leaning up against the desk. 

Miss Chesser let out a deep sigh before looking up, "What can I do for you Ilias? Please, tell me you haven't already gotten into trouble school just started." 

"Don't you have any faith in me? You know what don't answer that but no I haven't gotten in trouble today, yet. I'm sure you've heard about my dearest sister; she's going to be the new student we need her schedule."

"Oh, hi sweetie, I'm sorry I didn't see you there. Welcome to New Heights Middle School. What's your name sweetheart." 

"I-Isabella...Romano" I reluctantly answer looking to Ilias for reassurance to see he's already looking at me with a big smile on his face. Miss Chesser typed away on the keyboard, "Alright, Hunny, here is your schedule, I hope you enjoy your time here at our school." She handed me a paper before grabbing a stack of files and walking to a copying machine. Ilias swiftly took the paper out of my hands, glancing over it. 

"We have math, science, lunch, and business class together. I wish it were more but better than nothing. Come on we have science first." Ilias stated with a slight pout on his face, handing my schedule back to me leading me down a hall.

Room 202, Mr. Steed. Was what the sign above the door we stopped at read. My hands started shaking a little out of nervousness. What if I make a complete fool of myself? What if the teacher hates me?  What if-

Ilias took hold of my shaky hand interlacing it in his own hands. "Stop stressing Isabella, I'll going to be right next to you. Besides just say the word and I'll gladly kill anyone you ask of me." His words making a giggle leave my lips. "That's what big brothers are for, right?" Ilias assures me, my hands aren't shaking as bad anymore. God, I hope this never ends I love my newfound family, if this is dream, I hope I never wake up. 

Ilias knocks on the with his free hand. Loud footsteps echo from inside the room as someone walks to the door the door opens revealing a man that must be the teacher. "Ilias, Miss Chesser said you'd be escorting the new student" Mr. Steed bluntly taking a quick glance at me before moving to the side, allowing us entry into the classroom. "Alright class this is the new student, um...ah yes, Isabella Romano. I expect all of you to be kind to her. Ilias, take your normal seat Isabella you'll be sitting next to Mia. Mia, please raise your hand." Mr. Steed announced. At the announcement of my last name everyone's faces became contorted with bewilderment.

"But Mr. Steed I want to sit next to my one and only baby sister." Ilias whined, to which Mr. Steed just shook his head and sat down in his own seat behind his desk. Not wanting to anger my new teacher on my first day I let go of Ilias's hand and walked towards the seat where a girl was holding up her hand. The classroom broke out into many whispers as I did so. Ilias looked a little hurt as I let go of his hand but just huffed as he went to sit down as well. 

"Who is she"

"Did the Romano's adopt her" 

"She can't be adopted, she has the Romano traits" 

"Do you think Mr. Romano had a secret affair"

Instead of focusing in on the whispers that were going around the room I simply focused on the girl I was to sit next to, Mia, she has chocolate brown skin with black box braids that fade into a purple/bluish color. She has beautiful brown eyes that remind me of Ricardo's. After what feels like decades, I finally reach my assigned seat. 

"Hi, I'm Mia, are you really related to the Romanos?" Mia asks excitedly as she takes my hand and shakes it enthusiastically. I nod me head yes to answer her question and she just stars at me with her mouth open wide. "Oh my god, I'm talking to a Romano. My sister would be so jealous of me right now, she's had a crush on your brother Theodore for like, ever." I smile at her excitement.

"Aww, your so cute! Your name is Isabella, right?" I once again nod my head yes to her question. "Pretty name. Do you mind if I call you Isa? It's ok if you just want to be called Isabella though, it's just I give all of my friends nicknames."

Her words echo through my head as my eyes widen in surprise. We're friends? She wants to be friends, with me? 

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