'Time will pass, lives will be destroyed, alliances will be broken, things will change, but I can assure you that no matter what happens, you will forever be my star, Stella. Always and Forever'
/st£la/ STEL- a
Stella is a female g...
Before saying anything else, I've to thank you all for being in this amazing adventure with me. These past few months have been crazy and this story made it all better, but, of course, without you this book would not exist, so, truly, thank you
As for the end, I know many have questions, like who's the girl everyone talks about, how Stella's and Elijah's relationship is now or, for example, what happened while Stella was away from the Originals, and, for that my answer is.......I may have something else in mind for this story
I feel like this book helped me developing more my English and I got happy with the results
Now, I will let you some questions, feel free to give your honest opinion
Questions To The Readers:
1. Favorite Chapter?
2. Do you prefer Stella with or without humanity?
3. How do you think Stella's and Elijah's relationship will develop after this?
4. If you were on Roman's shoes, would you leave as well?
5. Your thoughts on Roman's and Stella's friendship
6. What about Alexander? Do you like him or do you think he's too mysterious?
7. In the beginning, what were your thoughts on Stella's past?
8. If you were in Stella's position would you forgive Elijah for choosing his brother over her?
9. Would you forgive Klaus for betraying you like he did with Stella?
10. And lastly, did you liked the book?
•••••••••• That's it! I really hope you had as much fun as me Love you all, Bye!
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