|| 1 || Fake It Until You Make It ||

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The schools grounds were incredibly intimidating. The worn down buildings packed in an enclosed space with crowds of unique students facing you at every corner you turn definately wasn't the most welcoming atmosphere. Whilst it may not have been welcoming it surely was no suprise, this campus has been here for over a century and not once in its time has it been fixed to suit that years standards. Land is an expensive topic no matter where you live which leads to many buildings being cramped in a much smaller space than should be possible, yet with an ever growing population the world record of dorms and classrooms able to fit in a single campus is close to being beat by this very college.

Virgil found the literacy block on the south side of the campus, it looked to be quite a lonely building until you noticed the rows of dorms behind. This block was filled with everything writing, from a basic english language class to world history. His class could be found at the end of a narrow corridor, 3CW (he assumes the CW stood for creative writing and knows the three was simply saying it is the the third of its kind).

Inside the class stood a great wall of words, or at least that what one particularly rowdy boy called it. In reality it was a school equivalent of a poster wall, the posters were replaced with pages upon pages of students' work but it wasn't quite at the level to be considered a great wall yet. Thankfully everyone was busy glaring at the irritating brunette that named the wall, so Virgil took the oppurtunity to seat themself in the back row without anyone turning their heads.

Ten minutes had passed and most of the rows were filled, being on the top row of an ascending classroom gave him leverage and he noticed a total of three people with coloured hair out of roughly forty students. Although including them that number is brought up to an incredible four, so for every ten students with natural colours there's one without. This quickly helps them come to the conclusion that covering his purple head of hair will let him feel more normal in this class, though he's hoping this level of anxiety based purely around their looks will start to relax once they feel more comfortable in their enviroment.

Twenty minutes into the first lecture of the term he began getting extremely irritated. A chestnut haired boy sat on the row in front of theirs seemed to have no skills other than rambling on to the teacher and distracting him for half the class. 'If he wasn't here to learn then why the fuck was he here at all' was a thought Virgil had. Virgil's eyes were like daggers threatening to split the back of his head in half. Currently he was explaining a theory about the typically white male hero in most disney films and how this inspired him to be who he is today. They cussed him under his breath and let his mind run. He believed it was all complete bullshit, sure little kids will dream about anything but this is a man gawking at the oh so brilliant movies disney produces, while failing to acknowledge the worn out ideals of genders and borderline crimes these movies interpret.

Fiddling with the blunt pencil I was struggling to write with, I muttered a string of words to myself that was supposed to be incoherent to the surrounding public.
"What a shame our ickle baby pwincey here obviously hasn't watched these movies without being either high or a three year old, because even someone as young as four can tell how shitty the real stories are."
The bored teacher instantly saw my mouth movements and hastily interupted the prince to be, I assume it was to shut him up for a short while but that didn't make me appreciate it anymore.
"You! Ah yes you in the back row there, did you have something to add?"
Our teachers hopeful eyes glistened while he waited expectantly for my response.

Gorgeous green eyes soon locked with mine as the offended student (which I saved the class from listening to) turned and glared at me. My breath caught in my throat upon the eye contact, I wasn't expecting that in any way but I found myself struggling to look away. The lighter brunnete hair fell neatly above his eyebrows, but only the left one as the short fringe was swept to the side. His complexion was that of a tv model, evenly tanned all over with very faint freckles covering from his face to toned biceps. For a split second I wondered where else they may have covered before scolding myself mentally at the slightly creepy thought.
Although while the rest of his features certainly weren't anything to be laughed at, his eyes were definately the shooting star in a perfect night sky.

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