|| 2 || Shed the snake ||

2 1 0


This is all my fault. All my words and actions led to this poor prince interpreting my attempt to make him comfortable as pure flirting. Instead of giving me an instant and obvious rejection because of the guilty feeling after I approached him to see if he was ok, Roman decided to pity me by spending a few extra minutes by my side and feigned a complement. In conclusion, this is the true reason we never exchanged numbers or socials, because being friendly was never his intention anyways. Or at least that's the conclusion i've come to, and likely the truth as it's the only plausible reason.

I sat somewhere in the middle of my maths classroom with my face as red as Roman's outfit accents and my heart pounding out of my ribcage. A mixture of my flustered feelings and the horrid embarassment made it difficult to breathe or concentrate throughout the teachers introduction. I began repeating affirmations in my mind with my eyes shut painfully tight in an attempt to relax my racing heart, but with my sisnister soul that obviously failed so I resorted to texting Janus.

He doesn't attend this college and is a typical high school drop out that's living off a minimum wage job. Luckily though he lives in the local area and the club he's a bartender for is less than twenty minutes from campus. Me and Janus have a complicated relationship behind the scenes, but to the public eye we seem like casual friends who lean on each other when things get tough. Although since we met our friendship has been nothing but controlling and toxic. At the time I needed a leader to help me through life, but as we matured from children to teenagers our friendship fell behind and didn't grow alongside us. Which left me terrified to break off from a childhood friend, and him an arrogant self-centered bitch.

An arrogant self-centered bitch that I care alot about and one that always knows how to help me let off some steam.


[Hey Janus whens ur shift starting 2night?]


[Why? Something exciting on tonight cuz I ain't got anywhere I need to be with u do I?]

[Nah nthn exciting and nice to know you see me as a chore lmao]


[haha XD dont be so sensitive dude, but im on a late start so im free till 9-ish so u gonna tell me why u were desperate to know now???]

[Buy sum and meet behind the store, 1 hr?]


[Stop being a wimp and try the real stuff!!! It helps more trust me]

[Dude u rlly think I will with my anxiety? The risk is thru the fucking roof u think going to prison will make me any less likely to kms?]


[PAHAHAHAHA OMG THIS IS WHY I LOVE YOU I SWEAR DOWN, I could get behind a guy with humour😏]

[Andddd this is the reason ur the last person im inviting to my funeral, istg when I acc kms 1 day ur eyes r gonna be stuck wide in shock for the rest of ur life👀]


[Awww but you couldnt anyways cuz of your "anxiety", lmao see ya in an hour emo]

[Fuck off snake🖕]

He's amazinly talented at being an annoying asshole, but it takes me outside of my thoughts and effectively turns my worry into fury. Which is why I nominated him as the person to drag me out of my head before it's too late.

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