|| 3 || Familiar or not ||

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The second Virgil left my sight I turned the other way and ran across the school's grounds. Despite perching outside of a classroom opposite his and calling it mine, it infact definately wasn't. You can't imagaine me ever taking computer science, can you? Instead my peforming arts class was situated two blocks away on the top floor of that block. Some may see it as stupid to risk being late to a lesson on the first day because I wanted to spend time with someone, but I certainly don't consider it that way. During the first hour of the first term someone cared enough about me to notice my discomfort or sullen mood and proceeded to approach me hoping to cheer me up. Don't get me wrong, I know it sounds like a normal circumstance but in my eyes this was an oppurtunity begging to be grabbed. Although there's now a good chance I murdered this oppurtunity and hurled it into the firey depths beneath a century old wooden bridge. I lept with my heart and made my perfect boy run away before we could even become true friends, let alone lovers.

I was never the kind to have long lasting friendships or even people who consistently enjoy my company, instead my naivety often led me to being used by others while thinking helping them will bring us closer. Unfortunately on this occassian my positivity and naivety combined (and a dash of stupidity) is what convinced me to let my heart spill from my mouth and likely scared Virgil too much to even contemplate approaching me again. On top of all of that, I realise while halfway up a crowded staircase that I didn't even ask for his number before my ridiculous comment. Which means there's absaloutley no chance for me to ask for his forgivness and restart our friendship. Everything in this year is done over phones, it's not like i'm going to have continuous chances to bump into him throughout the day anyways (and even if I did who's to say he'll want to hear me out?)

Doesn't stop me trying on wednesday, the second creative writing class I have this week and also the third as it's a double lesson. Nor does it stop me trying my hardest to catch him every free period I have if he happens to be a campus boy like me. Oh my god. I didn't even find out if he's staying on campus or off campus... What if the only times I get to see him are the few hours a week we have in the same period? Most of the off campus students aren't living in the dorms and off the free coffees because they have money, money to take away from college every chance they get and to treat themselves to edible food instead of the 80p cafeteria sandwiches. The realisation dawns on me that there's a 50/50 chance I have to wait a whole 48 hours to be in the same room as Virgil again and that statistic leaves me in a sulking state as I finally reach my lesson six minutes late.

The teacher, a young asian man that was smaller than the majority of pupils and pulled off a man bun with an undercut incredibly, hurriedly set the class up with a task and silently slipped away to talk to me privately so as to avoid humiliating me. I really appreciated that.
"What's with this timing did ya get lost on your first day or are you lost right now and need my help with directions to the right class?"
He crossed his arms after adjusting the three qaurter sleeves of his salmon jumper and nodded towards the door, suggesting that he didn't expect me here.
"Sorry, the first options the right one i'll get it right soon."
My head was hung as I genuinly apolagaised, this teacher's nice enough to try and save me from embarassment so he at least deserves students who can turn up on time.
"Oh! You're alright i'll let ya off but only if you promise to have a bit more energy and pizaz about you in this class, I don't want sulking kids tryna sing it makes this lesson boring and hard work so just lighten up"
With the typical manly slap on the shoulder he joined the rest of the class and left me standing stunned. No one has ever said to me I need to be more extra than I am, only the opposite. Though admitedly that excited me, it means this class is the perfect fit for me and none of my new friends will judge me for chasing the boy of my dreams.

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