|| 4 || Breaking the ice ||

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Virgil POV

I shut the bathroom door behind me and immedeatly strip off my clothes and turned the shower to cold. A little wake up call wouldn't hurt, and freezing liquid was sure to give me that. Mine and Roman's moments felt surreal, like they're not meant to be seen by me so I needed something to pluck me from a dream. It's a strange phenomenon, and I don't truly understand it at the minute but the time we spend together feels and looks different than time i've spent with others. Although I don't doubt the reason lies in the fact we barely know one another, yet it's not an awkward tension in the air.

I watched my clothes drying on his small radiator as I rushed to scrub the burning salt off my skin. His shower gel was scented with pomegranate, I realised that was the alluring scent I picked up on when entering his dorm. I finished showering and took the white towels from underneath the sink, the bathroom was very small and didn't even have enough room for a towel rack but it was clean, which is likely more than can be said about the communal ones anyways. Whilst ruffling my hair with a towel, I studied the stickers along the mirror. They were cute, it showed little bits of his creative personality and I can appreciate the quirky details around the area that relate to Roman.

Minutes later I left the bathroom, consciously trying to leave it in the same state I entered in. My clothes were damp unsurprisingly, but I did the best I could with the used towel to make them at least wearable. Roman was sprawled out on his bed with wireless earphones in, scribbling in a textbook of some sort, I laughed in my head but rolled my eyes in reality. Textbooks are to do school work, not for getting distracted by making faces out of the page numbers.

He looked effortlessly beautiful, raw true and flawed beauty. His jeans rode up his calf, showing his hidden disney merchandise (Frozen socks). The shirt was crinkled, which matched his concentrated facial expression and some of his makeup had smudged from rubbing tired eyes. His mascara was smudged along his eyelid and eyebrows had been fluffed a little. He had crossed out math sums written in black of his hand that I internally laughed at. I could go on for a lifetime, but if he caught me taking in his natural state I doubt he'd be impressed.

"All done thank you so much Roman, I tried to clean your bathroom as best I could and i've got my towels here. I'd take them down to the launderette if I knew where it was but I didn't bother to tour the campus so sorry."
I raised my voice accordingly, so he could hear above the music in his ears.

Suddenly he jumped up, looking horrified. He turned himself entirely away from me and tried to convince me to shoo back to the bathroom.
"Oh my god i'm so sorry I wasn't expecting you to be done so quickly, I normally take thirty minutes and thats not even on a hair day! Anyways um, are you sure theres no more uh... items! Your property left in my bathroom, I wouldn't want you forgetting anything important, yes!"
There wasn't and I knew there wasn't, but I humoured him anyways and went to check, looking away from the panicked man seems to be what he wanted me to do anyways.

Before walking into the room this time, I shouted a hearty "nope!" to warn him i'm done, then re-entered. This time he looked much more presentable, his clothes were fixed and smudged makeup wiped clean off his face but he looked great either way. Eyeing the workbook open on his bed, I approached and leaned over his shoulder looking at the intense questions. I didn't care for our close proxemics until Roman flinched as I brushed myself lightly against his back, so I moved across from him and instead turned the book to face me. Although upon looking up from his work, I spotted a more disapointed look on his features rather than a content and comfortable one as I stopped invading his space.

Men these days, you can't fucking win can you?

"Cute doodles princey, shame the awnsers to the comprehension don't look as detailed huh?"
I smirked and sent a friendly nudge with my knee into his thigh, he seemed embarassed and rolled his eyes.
"What if the doodles are the awnsers, if you look closely you can relate them to each question, they interpret the feeling."
He slid the book closer to me as I allowed him to hold it infront of my face, utterly confused as to what he was seeing in his drawings.

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