|| 5 || The begining ||

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Roman POV

It's been all of eight days since I last got to spend time with the emo outside of lessons and corriders, and I can't put my finger on why. I've been getting closer with Jessie's group along with the lost dude from the first day, his name's Patton! I'm really enjoying spending time with them, we've spent time together in the park often and I've extended the invitation to Virgil more times than not. Yet unfortunately, he's turned down every single one. Don't get me wrong, i'm still enjoying his company! Our friendship clearly wasn't just because it was convenient, we text every night and accompany one another whenever we get the chance. That is, if i'm not with the group, or if they're not completing work for his harder courses, or if i'm not at rehearsels, or if he's not working... Well, let's just conclude there's a reason we mainly converse after sunset.

Currently he's sitting behind me at the back of the class, unsurprisingly. They're staring at the teacher blankly as she repeats writing techniques thinking it's helping the struggling students. Whereas i'm hurriedly scribbling down the notes on the textbook from my dormitory. I wish so much that I could relax in the class like he can, but one thing I can tell you now is that epilogues are definitely not my strong suit. Oh! I'm not staring at him, by the way, not even looking in their direction! The only way i'm so sure about this is the reflection on my phone screen from a couple of minutes ago, and since then i've been concentrating less on my work and more on the image of him in my mind.

Through getting to know one another i've found out a few little bits about him, for example their natural hair colour was blonde! I think it's hilarious, can you imagine a dark mysterious character like himself with bright hair? He also told me his pronouns are he and they, once I spoke a little about the students in my class he opened up. He joked and texted saying even they might get along with them since "theatres the class queers congregate in lmao". I starred that message to show Patton so he may be able to infer if I have a chance or not. This led to many open conversations about both of us and our identitys, and it's pleasant to see how accepting he is. Telling them I was pansexual was luckily a very easy feat, and i'm glad it was something we could get out in the open quickly and not something they could possibly end our friendship over in the future.

Hearing the tick of the clock drove me insane, this lesson was already over to me so I sigh and sit back, but cheering up once I realised I have free time for the next hour. The lesson finally concluded and I coincedently happened to wander towards Virgil's desk. Me and Patton were wanting to explore the town together this weekend since our surroundings were new, and I intended on bringing Virgil too since Patton agrees that more is merrier. Hopefully they may agree this time since it's without Jessie's group, maybe he just doesn't get along well with them.

"Hey Virge! Mind if I walk you to your physcology class? I've got free time."
I hopped onto the edge of their desk whilst he gathered his items, I watched a gentle smile form on his face when hearing my presence, making me feel like a giddy teenager again.
"Please do Princey, I swear to god those steps will kill me one day, I need someone to catch me when I fall you know?"
My heart sped up rapidly, my mouth went dry and my pupils went large. Jokingly, he nudged me and wrapped a strand of hair around their finger flirtatiously. They looked up at me beneath the edge of his hood for a few seconds until he realised I wasn't laughing too, and profusely apologized and pretended to search through his bag for something. It was a joke and of course it was, I'll be honest it clearly took me by surprise but I'm not entirely accustomed to the emo yet since we barely interact. Leading on from that, I think this second may be the perfect time to change the topic and persuade us both into a less awkward altercation.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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