The revenge

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Carson's pov
After I forgave Hannah we were closer than ever. We kissed a lot and she was always smiling when she saw me. I love her she's so pretty, I learned that she likes when we hug so I'll hug her a lot in surprise. Walter is also back, he gets super pissed off when me and Hannah are super lovey around him but whatever I could care less about what he thinks about our love.

"Dude." Camden said. "What?" I asked him. "Walter just stormed off because you gave Hannah a kiss." Camden told me. "Whatever, I like hannah and that asshole isn't going to change how I hang around Hannah." I told Camden. "Defensive much." Camden said. "Oh shut up." I said to him and walked away.

I went into my tent and sat there. I want to see Hannah but she's with her friends.

"Hey." Hannah said and walked into the tent. "Hi." I said back. "I just don't want to be over there but I told Camden to watch over the girls because Walter threatened us." Hannah told me. "What!" I yelled. "What'd he say to you?" I asked her and grabbed her hand.

She started to cry and I felt bad. I didn't want to say anything after that. I also almost just left the tent because I was getting mad. She looked away from me and put her head down. She wiped her eyes with both of her hands and grabbed on to my hand again.

I couldn't help myself. "Hannah, what did he say to you?" I asked her. "He said he'll get revenge on us." Hannah said and looked up at me. "he turned away and then turned back and said especially Carson and you." She said to me. "When he said you he pointed at me." Hannah said. I wrapped her in a hug. "I won't let him get to us." I told her. "but what happens if he does get to us?" Hannah asked me. "I don't know babe." I told her. We hugged for a long time before I broke the hug. "What do you think he would do if we broke up?" Hannah asked me. "do you want to break up?" I asked her. "No, I meant what if." She said. "Probably come after me not you." I told her.

We didn't say anything after that. Hannah fell asleep in my arms. I laid her on my side of the tent and walked out to inform Camden about what happened for the time I was with Hannah. "Okay, I'll watch for Walter." Camden said. "Thanks." I said. I walked back over to the tent that Hannah was in. She was still sleeping. I went over to her and snuggled up next to her. Someone was opening our zipper. I jumped up.

"Go away!" I yelled. "Oh really." Walter said and walked into our tent. "I'll go, IF you give me Hannah." Walter said and got closer to us. "No." I said and grabbed on to Hannah. She woke up. "Let go of me I'm hot." Hannah said. "I can't look." I told Hannah. "What is Walter doing here?" She asked me. "I'm getting my revenge, like I told you idiot." Walter said and walked even closer. Hannah turned around and grabbed onto me fully. "You're a bitch!" Walter yelled. "Don't call her that!" I yelled at Walter. Hannah started to cry, she was in a position of hugging  me. I put my hand around her as if I was hugging her back. "Let go of my girl." Walter said. "Stop Walter." Hannah said. "I'm trying to get you back baby." Walter said to Hannah. "Don't call me that." Hannah said. Walter grabbed Hannah's arm. I tried to yank her away from him but I couldn't. "Stop Walter!" Hannah screamed. "Baby, you don't want to stay with Carson." Walter said and grabbed her all the way out of my arms. Now Walter has Hannah. "Let go of Hannah!" I yelled. "Walter, your fucking acting like I'm a toy!" Hannah screamed. "Babe do not swear." Walter said and smirked. "Let go of Hannah!" I yelled. "nope and I'm going to take her with me." Walter said and started to walk away. Hannah started to cry a lot. "you can have one last hug with Carson." Walter told Hannah. "But if you fucking leave me, all of you are dead within minutes." Walter told her. Hannah ran to me. "It's okay Hannah." I told her. "It's not, I don't want to go with him." Hannah said. We hugged and I gave her a kiss and she slowly walked back to Walter. He grabbed her hand and they walked away.

"Camden!" I yelled. "What?" He asked. "Hannah got taken." I said to him. "By who?" Camden asked me. "Walter." I said to Camden. "Fuck, I'm sorry dude." Camden said and patted my back.

Is it possible for a guy to cry because I swear I've never cried since I turned thirteen and now I really feel like I'm about to because I'm scared for Hannah and I miss Hannah and everything about Hannah. I really don't want her to get hurt by Walter. I can't believe he used to be my best friend but now we hate each other and are pretty much fighting over Hannah like she's a toy. I feel so bad for treating her how we are. I feel like I'm treating her fine but I really don't know. I hate Walter.

Hannah is very important to me and the group, I know Walter likes her but he's taking it really far. I heard what he said to her about killing all of us in minutes. I wanted to punch Walter so badly but I don't think that would end well.

"Josie and Hailey come here." I said when I saw them. "What's up." Hailey said. "Where's hannah?" Josie asked. "Walter took her." I told them. "What,why!" Josie yelled.

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