Ch. 4 - Giving Up Isn't An Option

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Summary: Kokoro has a talk with the Mizukage.

Kokoro fidgeted restlessly as she waited outside the Mizukage's office. There were two others in the room with her, but she had no idea who they were. Their masks hid their identity, making her uncomfortable with their blatant staring. No doubt, they had heard what happened the previous day and were silently judging her for her actions. She was frustrated with the whole thing. She hadn't done anything wrong, yet so many people pointed fingers at her. That little girl came up and instigated a situation that should have never escalated. And what was with that act? Making her look like the bad guy when she was just trying to get back to the apartment to rest was just ridiculous. And all of it was because Kokoro beat her brother at the Chunin Exams. Honestly, it wasn't that big of a deal! He had performed extremely well, and regardless of his loss, he should have been granted chunin status. Shikamaru had lost to Temari yet the Hokage thought he deserved to be a chunin due to his strategic skills and understanding of the battle.

She jolted out of her seat when the Mizukage's office door slammed open and a shinobi stormed out of her office with a rageful expression. He saw Kokoro sitting there and snarled at her before leaving the area. The Mizukage watched him leave with a resigned look on her face. She leaned against the door frame, closed her eyes, and sighed while pinching the bridge of her nose. She sagged in on herself and gave herself another moment before she straightened and locked eyes with Kokoro. She pointed a finger at her and motioned for her to follow her into the room. Once they were in the room, the door was shut to give them privacy. Mei sat in her chair and slumped against it. She maneuvered some papers on her desk and gave Kokoro a small smile that wouldn't be able to fool even an academy student.

"What can I do for you, Kokoro?" Mei asked politely.

"I assume you already know what happened," Kokoro said awkwardly. Mei hummed and leaned back in her seat. Kokoro stood there awkwardly as she waited for Mei to say something. She didn't like the look the Mizukage had on her face, and she certainly didn't like the harsh tint to her eyes. Maybe the dimness from the hiding sun was the cause, or maybe the angle at which she sat - to the side cross-legged with her left hand supporting her right elbow and her right hand cupping her chin - made Kokoro miss some key details. Whatever it was, Kokoro felt judged and lesser than the other person in the room.

"I know what happened," Mei said after some time skimming her eyes over the emotions performing on Kokoro's face. "I know what happened because I have had numerous complaints about the occurrence from civilians and subordinates. I know how they feel about it, and I know what they'd like me to do about it."

Kokoro lowered her head in shame and quietly said, "I know what you're thinking."

"Oh?" Mei questioned.

"I'm not fit for this job. I'm not capable of integrating myself into the people and rules here. I'm not fit to work alongside fellow shinobi here and fit enough to expect them to willingly work with me. I'm not fit enough to speak with the civilians here and be a part of Kirigakure. I'm not fit enough to be a leader and the leader that you thought you saw in me. I should just go back to Konoha."

"I am disappointed."

Kokoro bit her lip and held back the emotions threatening to spill from her eyes and mouth. Of course Mei was disappointed in her. During the Chunin Exams, Kokoro had felt like a leader. She had felt the surge people got when they took charge and made something happen that they expected to happen. She had taken charge of the fight and her life, and in that moment nothing was able to stop her from doing what she needed to do in order to win. And afterwards, when Orochimaru and Otogakure invaded Konoha, she had dismissed the orders she had been given and had helped out, saving lives. She had felt good - amazing even! She had never experienced the pride and rush she had felt in that moment. That's what Mei had seen.

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