Ch. 11 - Definitely Emotional

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Summary: Kokoro meets her new team and has a talk.

"What is she doing here?" Enkai screeched as he pointed a finger at Kokoro. His hair was still a dark-blue, but it was longer and shaggier. His eyes were still milky white in color and they were still glaring at her. Today, he was not wearing the abundance of bandages he wore when they fought. His arms and legs were on display, showing that his skin was not tan like she originally thought, but a light gray. Kokoro wondered if when his skin tanned, did it turn a darker gray color? His body was still slim, but it looked like he was starting to fill out.

"I could say the same thing," she muttered under her breath.

"You got something to say, Hatake?" Enkai growled.

She opened her mouth to rebuttal but remembered what Masumi told her right before they arrived. Despite her dislike for the boy, she didn't want to argue with him and start off on a bad foot with her new team. Junichiro was easy to get along with, and judging by his reaction to their arrival, he was excited to have her as his teammate. It was Enkao who she'd have to gain the approval of. So, she took a long, deep breath and proceeded to ignore the jabs he sent her way as punishment for ignoring him.

"Enkai," Masumi said sternly. "Kokoro is your new teammate, and I expect you to give her the same courtesy you give me and Junichiro. Am I clear?"

"Yes, sensei," he muttered under his breath.

"Loud and clear, Enkai," they demanded.

He took a breath and then shouted, "Yes, sensei!"

"Good," Masumi said. "It would do us no good to be fighting amongst ourselves. Junichiro. Enkai. I understand that we lost an important person, and I know that it still hurts. Kokoro is part of our team now. She is not a replacement. Rather, she is a different piece. It will take some time to build a team dynamic well enough to go on missions, so we need to be patient with ourselves and with each other."

Once Masumi was finished, Junichiro bounced over to Kokoro, put his hands on her shoulders, and started shaking her. All the while, he said, "I'm so happy you're our new teammate, Roke! I thought for sure we'd have some lowland!"

"I believe the word you're looking for is lowlife, Juro," Kokoro said affectionately. "I'm glad to be on your team, too."

"This is so awesome!" Junichiro shouted as he pumped his fists in the air.

Kokoro giggled at his antics before she looked at Masumi and admitted, "And I'm glad you're my sensei still, Masumi-sensei."

"Don't get too comfortable," Masumi said. "I'm not going to go easy on you."

"I know," Kokoro told them, "and I appreciate it." Then she turned to Enkai. She wanted to try to make amends since they were going to be on the same team together. She didn't want any bad blood between them, but she also knew it would take time to get on a good basis with him. "I'm willing to put the past behind me if you are."

Enkai scoffed and said, "Easy for you to say."

Kokoro sneered at him as he tried to walk away from her. With as much attitude as she could muster, she asked, "What's your problem?"

Enkai turned around and growled. "I can't believe you, of all people, are asking me that!"

"And what's that supposed to mean?" she asked haughtily. "What could I have possibly done to get you to hate me so much?"

"Look, I know we have our differences, but we shouldn't fight," Junichiro tried to intervene.

"What could you have done?" Enkai repeated angrily. He took a deep breath and swiveled on his heel to look at Masumi. "How did she pass when she's this stupid?"

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