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Author: Before starting, I would like to mention that neither the characters, the images or the music that will appear in the story are from my own property, all credits to their respective authors.

Happy Birthday !!!

Narrator: You could see a young Luz who had just turned 6 years and was in front of a big cake and next to her was her mother Camila.

Narrator: You could see a young Luz who had just turned 6 years and was in front of a big cake and next to her was her mother Camila

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And his two uncles John Constantine and Zatanna Zatara.

And his two uncles John Constantine and Zatanna Zatara

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Author: Imagine he don't have a fireball in your hand

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Author: Imagine he don't have a fireball in your hand.

Camila: Aww, mija is already 6 years old (She said this while hugging her).

Zatanna: It seems like yesterday when you were this size (Making measurements with your hands).

Luz: Aunt Zee don't exaggerate, she wasn't that little (She said it with a smile).

Constantine: You grow up fast kid.(He said it while lighting a cigarette).

Camila (Angry): John you know the rules, no cigarettes in the house.

Constantine: (groans) It's okay. (said in a dejected tone)

//// Ding dong ////

Luz: I'm going.

Luz ran towards the door to open it immediately and to get a big surprise.

Luz: DAD!!! (He said it in a cheerful tone to immediately hug the man in front of him).

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