Chapter 1

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///Eight years later///

We can see Luz with her mother in front of her house while they seemed to be waiting for something, it should be noted that Luz was quite discouraged.

Luz: Mom, I really have to go to that camp?

Camila: I told you Luz, this camp will help you differentiate fantasy from reality, plus you'll be able to get some friends, real friends and not imaginary or reptilian friends.

Camila was looking worriedly at her daughter as she was holding one of her favorite books of the good witch Azura.

Camila: Luz, you have to understand that this is for your own good and I need your help, Do you think you can do it?

Luz: I think I can try (He said it while putting his book in a trash can)

Camila: I'm so proud of you daughter (She said this while kissing Luz's forehead). You know, your father will arrive in a few weeks, when he arrives we'll both make a video call so you don't miss us at camp, agreed Luz.

Luz: If that sounds... unbelievable (She said this in a dejected tone).

Camila: Well, I have to go to work, the bus won't be long, take good care of yourself mija.

Luz: Yes, bye mom.

As Camila faded into the distance, Luz quickly ran into the trash can desperately looking for her book, until she realized it was missing and turned to see a little owl who, strangely enough, had a bag of foreign objects including her book. The owl quickly noticed Luz's gaze and proceeded to flee, losing herself in the forest.

Luz: Hey!!! come back here little thief.

Luz followed the little owl through the forest until she reached an abandoned house, both Luz and the owl crossed the door and when they did, a flash of light appeared in front of them and Luz realized that she was no longer in that house abandoned, rather, she was no longer in her world.

///Time jump///

Author's note: Here the same thing happens as in the original story, so we'll go to the end of the chapter, which is where the changes begin.

Luz along with other boys who were imprisoned by the guardian Brath (I don't know if that's how his name is spelled) were subduing him while Eda and King, a witch and her little creature that Luz had met when she came to that fantasy world, were recovering from the blows the guardian gave them. Until in a quick movement, he used his tentacles to get everyone off him, leaving everyone unconscious except Luz.

Luz: (Getting up) Auch, to think that it was working.

Brath: (Angry) You know girl, I thought of just having you as my pressure, but now I'm fed up, (turns his hand into a giant ax and proceeds to approach Luz) say goodbye to this life.

Eda: Luz run! (tries to stand up to help but still recovering from Brath's attacks).

Eda: Luz run! (tries to stand up to help but still recovering from Brath's attacks)

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