Chapter 3

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We settled on the boiling islands, on a beach where Luz, Eda and King were appreciating something although Luz seemed very uncomfortable.

Eda: Tell me Luz, did you ever think in your life that you would see something as incredible as this?

However, what they were actually looking at was a giant dead slug covered in garbage.

Luz: I don't like this.

Eda: There is nothing more inspiring than a garbage slug, these creatures spend their entire lives collecting the waste of others to build their nest, until a big wave hits them arresting them towards the shore to die from excess salt, and then we steal everything you have in your stomach to sell it.

He said it while offering Luz a miner's pick to disembowel the creature.

Luz: (Aquedad / Disturbed) I ask you not to force me.

King: Oh come on Luz, it's not every day you get to disembowel a corpse full of riches.

Eda: It's ok, I'll do it by myself.

He begins to dig inside the slug while Luz felt like throwing up from the smell.

Luz: Eda, couldn't you, I don't know, teach me a witch lesson? for my learning how to read ancient scrolls, combine potions or learn to use my amulets, we already discovered that my pendant can also do magic, I mean, I still don't know how I did it but if you teach me I could-

Eda: Girl that sounds like a lot of witch school stuff.

Luz: (Surprised) School! You mean here's that one?

Eda: Yup.

Luz: (Excited) With big towers?

Ed: Yes.

Luz: (Excited) With magical games, uniforms, clubs, dangerous missions?

Eda: And what's worse, they force you to do magic in a "correct" way, but magic is not correct, it's wild and unpredictable, that's why it's so beautiful, I didn't finish school and look at me now, who doesn't would envy me?

In Luz's eyes, Eda was walking over the carcass of a giant slug covered in garbage. He was clearly not the best role model even if he says otherwise. Realizing this, Eda approaches Luz to motivate her a bit.

Eda: You know what, here's a lesson, a witch must always be resourceful.

He grabs Luz's hand and without warning plunges it into a green puddle that emerged from the slug, making Luz very disgusted until she grabs something from the bottom and pulls out her hand revealing that she grabbed a small ball covered with unknown residue.

Luz: (Confused) A sticky ball?

Eda: Use your sticky ball wisely.

Luz: You know, I better go home to, I don't know, look at pictures of animals than if they are alive.

Eda: Whatever, more for me. (Starts to continue rummaging through the garbage)

Luz: Bye-bye, my little beach boy (King begins to be sweet on the tummy)

King: Hehehehehehehehe.

A few moments later, we can see Luz walking through the forest while looking at the ball that Eda gave her.

Luz: If magic is about finding sticky balls then maybe I'm not ready for this.

Luz puts the ball in her pocket as she pulls out the amulet her Uncle John gave her and stares at it next to her father's pendant.

Luz: If only I could know how you two work, I wouldn't be in this predicament.

???: You can do it, don't give up.

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