our love has no balance

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You up there if you look closer you look like Daniel gillies you are a vampire but your sired to hope and she is your girlfriend

I was in the hotel room in the room part as hope and Lizzie went to get Aurora de Martel to kill her I was laying on the bed in the room shirtless cause it was hot I was trying my best to fall asleep

till I heard the door open and heard chains then I closed my eyes and a while later I heard screams I groaned and put a pillow on my face

Then a while later the screaming stopped I took the pillow off my face and laid on my stomach

then I heard the door to the room open and the bed tilted and I felt a hand on my back I looked over and saw hope I wrapped my arms around her waist and layed my head in her lap while hope read a grimore for some knife

Then Lizzie came in and they basically argued then Lizzie left and hope got up to make something when she was done she left and the screaming started up again

I groaned and got up vampspeeded out there and walked up to aurora and snapped her neck

Hey I was enjoying hearing her scream hope said

Yeah well I don't care I said and went back to the room and she followed me

Are you mad about what is happening she asked shutting the door behind her

No I'm mad at you because you forced me to come with you with this stupid sire bond you have on me I said pushing her against the wall

Yeah well this stupid sire bond happens to be putting the love you have for me balanced she said and I let her go

Our love for each other has no balance I told her

Yeah well it does now she said pushing me away and left the room and I just stare at the spot she was once in I put my shirt and leather jacket on and went over to aurora and saw she was awake I walked over to her

What do you want she asked

Nothing the real question is do you want to live or die right now I can end your life and the pain will stop and you can be with your brother or you can live with that thing in you and in this hotel room I said

I must live she said

Ok I said and broke a chair so I could poke her with it

Why do you want to live I asked her

To kill hope mikaelson she said and my vampire face showed and I stabbed her with the stake in the leg making her scream

Wow girl you got lungs I said when she stopped

Please just let me see Tristan she said

Ok close your eyes I told her but she didn't do it

Just do it and you will see your brother I said and she did i put my hands on each side of her face and made her see her brother and she fell asleep like that I pulled the stake out and staked her in the stomach then I got thrown to a wall I groaned as I got up

What I did us all a favor and she's not even dead just sleep I told hope

I want her to suffer you putting her to sleep so she can see her brother doesn't hurt hope yelled at me then threw me to the floor and punched me over and over

Stop I yelled grabbing her wrist

I did your favor she will wake up soon then you can do what you were doing I said

yeah but she won't tell us anything if she is asleep hope said back

What is the matter with you before you turned it off you used to love me what happened I asked her

I don't love you not anymore I want to make you suffer because you pushed me to kill Landon hope said

So you didn't love him you loved me I told her and she didn't say anything but smirked

You did love him I said

Yes I loved him more than I loved you hope said and brought out her werewolf teeth and bit my neck making me scream then she fell off and I saw Lizzie standing over me

Hurry and get some blood from her then run I'll be behind you lizzie said  and I looked at hope's unconscious body I bit her wrist and took some blood and my bite Healed I then did a head dive to hope and told her were I was gonna be If she wanted to find me and then I vampspeeded out of there and layed in the middle of an empty road with a whiskey bottle I was drinking

Then I saw a car coming down the road it looked like five people were in the car

the car then stopped and someone ran over to me

Are you okay sir a teenager asked me and I realized I had aurora's blood on my white shirt

No I'm not I don't think I ever will be okay again I said and slowly got up

Are you okay why are you out here it's the middle of the night the teen asked me

Have you ever been in love I asked him

Yes my girlfriend is in the car he said pointing to her

I have been in love I was just in loved with a girl who said she doesn't love me anymore so I thought maybe I can get her to love me by becoming exactly like her I said

Are you on drugs he asked

No but she was my drug and now I want to become hers I said and brought my fangs out and ripped into his neck killing him instantly I dropped him and saw that his friends got out the car and started running

I ran after them all and they didn't get far but I saved his girlfriend for last when she was last I dragged her and all the bodies towards the car and saw she was crying as I kept a tight grip on her arm

I went over to her and snapped her neck and she fell to the ground dead and I lit the bodies on fire after spelling hope's name on the street with the bodies

I hate teenager's I said and vampspeeded away not knowing that hope was watching me the whole time

I love your work Jason can't wait to see you again she said and ran off

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