shocking news

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It has been over a year since mine and Danielle's daughter was born she is now two years old her first word was dada and Danielle had to move back to set because she had to start working again she also had to take rose with her cause I work to much and I can't really watch her

I was pulling up to Danielle's house I got out my car and opened the door with my key

Dada I heard from the couch

Hey baby girl where is your mommy I asked her kissing her forehead

She uptairs with her friend and she told me to stwy on the couch and no go to her room rose said

Was her friend a boy I asked her

Yeah she said

Okay turn on the TV and watch something I told her and she did and I helped her after I was done I went up to Danielle's room quietly and when I got there I heard moaning and skin slapping I opened the door and saw a man over my wife as they kissed and he was pushing in and out of her

Danielle I said with tears in my eyes and they both looked at me

Oh my God James she said pushing the man off her

Why are you doing this I asked

I'm sorry she said

How long I asked her

It started before rose was born Danielle said

Was it before you got pregnant or after I asked

Before she said and that's when my world came crashing down

Is Rose even mine I asked

Do you remember having sex with Danielle before she got pregnant the guy said

So your saying that rose isn't mine it's his I asked and Danielle nodded slowly I quickly ran out of the room and I ran to the front door

Daddy where are you going I heard rose asked

I'm sorry but I have to go I probably won't be back for a long time but it's okay you will have your mom I said kneeling in front of her and Danielle came down

I have to go I told rose

No daddy don't go please she said crying and I looked at Danielle who had a robe on

I have to I said then took my wedding ring off and gave it to rose

You can have that if you want I won't be needing it I said then stood up and walked out the door I got in my car and drove off and called my son

Hey dad he said when he answered

Hey um we won't be going to see Danielle anymore I said

What why he asked

She has been cheating on me and Rose isn't even my daughter I said crying in the phone as I drove fast

Dad I'm sorry Jason said

It's fine I will call you when I get home I said my eyes now blurry

Ok be safe dad he said then hung up and I stopped at a red light

I tried calling one of the people from the cast but they all didn't pick up

I could barely see but all I heard out my window was cars sliding across the road then I felt something hit my side of the car and my car flipped upsidedown and all I felt was pain in my body

I stayed there feeling something in my leg

Sir are you okay I heard a voice

No not really I said back

Can you move the person asked and I moved a little then screamed in pain

No it hurts to much I yelled out

Ok we will help you the person said then the door opened and after a few minutes I was out the car and on the floor I looked at my leg and saw a huge piece of metal in it

Ok we are going to take you to the hospital a lady said and I looked at my car and saw that it looked destroyed

Ok I said and after 30 minutes I was in a hospital bed my throat was dry because I was screaming when they pulled the piece of metal out

Then the door to my room opened and I saw Jenny

Oh my God James she said when she saw me

It's fine I'm fine I said softly then started crying and she walked over and hugged me

We need to call Danielle she said

No do call her I don't want to see her I said

Why your her husband she said I showed her my hand the didn't have the ring on it

I ended it she has been cheating on me for a very long time my daughter isn't even mine I said

I'm so sorry about that James she said then hugged me

I have to go but Kaylee will stay with you for the night Jenny said

Ok I said then slowly started to fall asleep

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