17 ; Breaking Hearts

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17 ; Breaking Hearts

I yawned as I tried to keep my eyes open. It has been twenty minutes and Jeongguk is still by my side while Jimin is still nowhere to be found.

“Baby, I think you better rest for now,” Jeongguk says in concern as he rubs my temple which helped me relax.

I whined and fought the urge to sleep since I want to see him still. “I don't want to,” I mumbled in a small voice, my eyes wanted to close but I blinked so hard and made it stay open.

“But, love. I don't think Jimin would be very happy seeing me still hanging around here when I brought you back minutes ago.” He smiles. “Let's be subtle and try not to create something that would lead to us being caught again, yes?”

As much as I wanted to process his words, I felt my eyelids getting heavier that fighting back would be harder than I thought.

“Hmm...” I hummed as my eyes fluttered close.

I heard him chuckle softly and felt a soft pair of lips touch my forehead briefly before pulling away. “Sweet dreams, love.” I heard him say. There were slight movements on my side then the silent sound of the door closing, the same time sleep finally got me.

“I can't do this anymore, Chae. That guy just can't keep his hands to himself!”

I heard hushed whispers somewhere close to me as soon as I woke up, but I chose not to open my eyes and eavesdrop on the conversation once I realized that I just heard Jimin's voice.

I heard a sigh. “Jimin, calm down. We won't let Hoseok near Taehyung again, alright?” It was Chaeyoung noona's voice, coaxing Jimin.

I heard a groan from Jimin. “If I had known that all of this would happen, I would have never taken Taehyung here at all! God, this trip just became a lot worse and dangerous.” I heard some movements and once I felt hands grasp mine, I tried my best to seem deeply asleep, as much as I could. “I just— that was... that was so close, Chae. If I came any later I don't know what would've happened.” Jimin brushed his hand through my hair gently. “I can't lose Taehyung. Ever. Not to him. Not to anyone, at all.”

My heart breaks as I heard Jimin's voice crack and he sobs silently while holding my hands. It pains me to hear his whimpers, and once again, I felt myself being eaten up by guilt.

He doesn't even know that he already lost me.

“Jimin, we both know you're not going to lose him. Hoseok isn't going to tell him anything, nor will anyone. And we all know that.” It's the last thing Chaeyoung said before I heard the door open and close.

I couldn't help but think about what she said. So basically, everyone knows something that I don't? Something I have been begging Jimin to tell me?

Suddenly, the guilt I'm feeling instantly left and was replaced by curiosity, betrayal, and anger. The people around me know everything and here I am, left as clueless as ever. They're making a fool out of me.

As much as I wanted to lash out, I calmed myself down and decided to wake up. I twist and turn on the bed, acting like I just got my consciousness back and opened my eyes. The first thing my eyes fell upon on is a teary-eyed Jimin holding my hands.

“Tae...” He uttered as he gave me a weak smile.

I frowned and brought my hands on his tear-stained cheeks to wipe them. “Why are you crying, Min?” I asked as if I didn't know he was crying since before I even woke up.

“N-nothing...” He shakes his head. “... just worried about you.” He added. “Can we talk?” He asks and I nodded. “What happened?”

I sat up and let my back rest on the headboard of the bed. I looked at him before I started talking, from when I ran away and how Hoseok and I ended up in such a position like how Jimin and Jeongguk saw us.

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