29 ; Worst Decadence

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29 ; Worst Decadence

“Hmm...” I sigh contentedly as I stared at myself in the body mirror with a smile on my face. I turned around to see Gukkie who was looking at me with indefinite fondness in his eyes. He has his arms crossed while leaning on the door frame of the room. “Do I look pretty, Gukkie?”

Gukkie's smile widens as he took unhurried steps towards me. He held my right hand before making me twirl at a slow pace, quietly observing my outfit.

After that, he turns me back around to face the body mirror, slipping his hands on my waist as he placed his chin on top of my left shoulder. I look back at the mirror while observing our linked bodies. I think that we look so good together like this.

Hands running gently up and down my sides, Gukkie tries to feel the fabric of my fitted velvet black dress to which edges touch the marbled floor. I demanded to see my clothes and insisted upon immediately wearing one the moment we took a break from talking with our two hostages.

“You look ravishing, doll.” He says before pressing a tender kiss on my cheek. “Gorgeous. Like a pretty, little black swan.”

I giggled at the compliments, caressing the arms that were wrapped around my waist. I sighed before my thoughts wandered far again, "Jack thinks that I should front since Taehyungie has been out for almost two weeks now. He says that it's going to be unhealthy for Taehyungie and the same for all of us." I said with a pout, remembering the events that have happened the past week.

Taehyungie is a lot more vulnerable than he seems. He might act so tough in front of his so-called friends and our current hostages, but deep down he's slowly breaking. He needs rest.

During that week, Taehyungie was the only one who has been in front. Meaning, we haven't seen or heard anything from the outside world for a whole week. There was a method that we decided to use in case of an emergency. Or in better terms, is that when a forced switching happens, which fortunately hasn't.

So, in order to update us about what has happened for the first day, for example, Gukkie is to write down the most important things that have happened that day and keep it somewhere safe. So that, if ever a forced switch happens, all alters will be ready to face what comes next.

I have just read everything Gukkie wrote until yesterday, the most recent one. I can say that they have gone all out. Everything was just do damn brutal and bloody and disgusting.

Taehyungie wanted someone else to front but Jack was insistent upon not letting anyone else do so. Especially Taetae, our six-year-old alter. Taetae was oblivious about everything that has happened for these two weeks, nor does he know anything about Taehyungie's plan at all.

Taetae was the most recent alter that has developed and joined us, and that was when he was three. He only ever fronts when left alone or when Jeongguk is present, ever since he dated us. When the time came, we explained that he might not be able to front for a few days because there's something important that us adults would do. And the baby just nodded, indicating he understands, like the good boy he is.

We have talked about it before. Taehyungie told Jack, our gatekeeper and protector to not let anyone front even if we beg, nor even when Taehyungie begs for someone to do so. Not unless what was started has been finished.

“Yes, sweetheart. I know. I was just waiting for any of you to front. I miss Taetae too but I know we'll have to finish this before I finally get to see him again.” Gukkie caressed my nape ever so gently while playing with my hair.

“Hm...” I hum, “I'm in charge now, I guess. I'll take care of that damned person who touched our Taehyungie.”

"Mhm, will you now?" Jeongguk's voice came out husky as he whispers the words right through my ear. I also took notice of how his grip on my waist tightened a little, but hands still moving up and down my sides gently.

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