Part four as promised. Hope you all enjoy! Also this is the last part of the second episode, and I'm on a bit of a roll tbh. That will probs go in a few days but enjoy it while it lasts. Also this may be a short chapter as I had to stretch the episode into four parts so sorry if it's not as long as usual.~~~
"Sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm so stupid!" Vision immediately starts apologising as the family goes backstage.
"Vis! Vis, it's all right. It's all right." Wanda assures him, setting Emma on the floor and placing her hands on Vision's chest.
"It's all right. It's all right. But what is going on with you?" Wanda asks, keeping half an eye on Emma, who was watching people pass by on the road.
"I have no idea!" Vision exclaims. "I've just been feeling weirdy all day!"
"Okay. Okay. Okay..." Wanda soothes, using her powers to see what was wrong.
When Wanda gets to where Visions stomach should be, she hears gears turning loudly and creaking.
"Oh." She exclaims, furrowing her eyebrows.
Wanda uses her powers to get the thing that was stuck in Vision's gears to come back up his throat.
Vision takes a piece of gum from his mouth, looking at it weirdly.
"Would you look at that!" He exclaims. "That really gummed up my works, didn't it?" He jokes.
Wanda hums, picking Emma back up from where she had sat quietly on the ground with a random pen in her hand, which Wanda quickly made her drop.
"I'm not as funny without it am I?" Vision sighs, throwing away the gum.
"I fink you're funny, Daddy." Emma tells him cutely.
"See." Wanda smiles. "Your daughter thinks your hilarious."
"At least someone does." Vision chuckles, pulling a face at Emma, which made her laugh.
"Well, you're back to yourself and that's all I care about. Now, let's get out of here before Dottie and the planning committee string us up for ruining the show." Wanda tells him.
The family make there way out from backstage, and attempt to walk past the presentation without being seen.
"You three, stop right there." Dottie's voice calls out, making Wanda and Vision turn there heads to Dottie, while Emma takes her Mom's top hat, putting it over her own head and letting it fall over her eyes to hide from Dottie.
Dottie sighs. "Nothing like what you two just did up here has ever happened in the history of our talent show." She starts.
"Dottie, we are so..." Wanda starts apologising, but Dottie cuts her off.
"Hilarious." Dottie smiles. "That was the most hilarious act we've ever seen. Wouldn't you all agree?"
Everyone begins to clap, shocking married couple.
"You two, and little Emma, come on up. Come on." Dottie beckons them back onstage.
"On behalf of the planning committee, I would like to award you with the inaugural Comedy Performance of the Year." Dottie announces, handing Wanda the trophy, as she placed Emma down, who seemed to be enjoying all the attention.
Wanda and Vision bow along with Emma, who's top hat falls off as she bows her head.
Emma hurries to pick it back up as the audience coo and aww at the little girl.
"For the children!" Dottie shouts.
"For the children!" The audience repeats, clapping wildly.

innocent (a wandavision story)
Fanfiction"something isn't right here, wanda" ~~~ Emma Maximoff is the three year old daughter of Wanda and Vision, she was born just after the Sokovian accords and was snapped by Thanos along with her mother ~~~ Now living in a sitcom fantasy, the small fami...