Emma is around 2 and this takes place during the time that Team Cap are on the run from the the government. It continues from the flashback when Nat and Steve let Wanda and Emma spend two weeks with Vision I guess. Hope you enjoyyy!! Warnings ummm... talk of boobs. Not really but you'll know what I mean~~~
"Mama I hungwyyyyy!!" Emma whines from her high chair as her Mother frantically bustles around the kitchen, trying to find where she put Emma's cereal.
"Mama's going as quickly as she can, angel!" Wanda tells the whining toddler, sighing with relief when she sees Emma's favourite cereal at the back of the cupboard. "Finally..."
Wanda quickly pours the girl a small bowel, and hands it to Emma, who uses her fingers to quickly start eating the chereos.
"That nice, baby?" She asks, picking up some pieces of dropped cereal from the tray and putting them back into the bowel, to hopefully minimise mess.
"Good!" Emma nods happily, chewing on the sweet breakfast item.
"Wanda, I require some of your assistance." Vision calls from the hallway.
"Coming, Vis!" The Mother quickly glances to check on her daughter, who was happily pre occupied with the food, before hurrying into the hall where her boyfriend was struggling to prop up Emma's stroller.
"I know every known maths and physics equation on the planet, and yet this pesky thing continues to still test my patients..." The Android sighs as the stroller once again fails to stay up.
Wanda bites back a laugh at the sight of her genius boyfriend struggling with such a simple task. "These things just require a knack." She shrugs, quickly popping up the stroller with no trouble.
Vision gapes at her, slightly in awe. "I suppose I may be slightly out of practice." He smiles sheepishly.
"Maybe just slightly." Wanda goes on her tippy toes in order to peck Vision on the lips, before the shout of a toddler is heard.
"Mama! Outtttt!!!" Emma screams, and the sounds of someone banging there hands on plastic are heard.
"The princess calls." Wanda smiles, pulling away from Vision.
"Yes, you better not keep her waiting." Vision tells her, giving his girlfriend one more kiss, before bending down to check if they had everything they need in Emma's diaper bag.
"I better not." Wanda sighs contently, walking back into the kitchen to see Emma angrily banging her hands on the high chairs tray.
"Hey, no hitting missy." She scolds, walking over and unbuckling her daughter, setting her on her hip.
"Right let's go get you changed, stinky!" Wanda gives Emma a kiss on the head, taking her into the bedroom so she can change her before they go out for their walk.
Emma lays surprisingly still while her Mom changes her, content to suck on her pacifier and play with one of her toys.
About halfway through, Vision walks in.
"Daddy!" Emma cheers happily.
Vision smiles at his daughter. "We've got everything. I'll just go and grab all out hats and coats now." He tells Wanda, who pauses putting Emma's socks on to look at him.
"Perfect. Thank you, Vis." The young woman smiles, which Vision returns, before leaving the room to go and get the winter clothing, as it was very cold in Scotland this time of year.
"Mama no feetttt." Emma whines, kicking her legs as Wanda tries to pull her socks on.
"We gotta put your socks on baby, otherwise your little toes will get all cold!" She reasons, quickly finishing the job as Emma starts to fuss.

innocent (a wandavision story)
Fanfiction"something isn't right here, wanda" ~~~ Emma Maximoff is the three year old daughter of Wanda and Vision, she was born just after the Sokovian accords and was snapped by Thanos along with her mother ~~~ Now living in a sitcom fantasy, the small fami...