Sup losers, sorry for being a bit inactive yesterday but I was at a sleepover with all my girlfriends so I took a break from social media for a bit. But I'm back and hope you enjoy this update!~~~
It was the afternoon, and the Maximoff family (minus Vision) had just made there way out onto the streets which was filled with kids, adults, and Halloween decorations on every house and lamp post.
Tommy and Billy were ahead of the other three, already eyeing up the big houses for good candy.
"This is it. Game time." Tommy smirks at his brother, competitively.
Billy sighs. "It's not a competition, Tommy."
"It is if you're a winner." Tommy shrugs, racing away to the nearest house, with Billy hot on his heels.
"Wait for me!" Emma protests, dropping her Mom's hand, and chasing after her brothers with her jack o lantern bucket.
"Unleash hell, demon spawn!" Pietro yells after the kids, earning an eye roll from his twin.
"Please watch out for Emma!" Wanda calls after them, a worried tone in her voice.
Suddenly Wanda stops in her tracks, turning to face her brother. "Remember when we we're in the orphanage, after Mom and Dad died. What was the name of the kid who was always trying to steal your boots? You know, the one with the skin thing?"
Pietro narrows his eyes jokingly at his sister. "You're testing me."
"No, I'm not!" Wanda defends.
Pietro shrugs her off. "It's cool. I know I look
different.""Why do you? Look different." Wanda asks, gently.
"You tell me." He snorts. "I mean, if I had
found Shangri-La, I wouldn't want to be reminded of the past either."Wanda looks unsettlingly at her brother, until Tommy and Billy come racing back to them.
"Next house, Mom!" Tommy shakes his bucket, which rattles with the sound of candy.
"Where's your sister?" Wanda asks the twins, before she sees a very grumpy looking Emma stomping towards them.
Wanda tries to keep the grin off her face at the adorableness. "What's wrong, baby?" She chuckles, lifting the toddler up onto her hip.
Emma pouts, pointing an accusing finger at her brothers. "They stole my favwrite candy!"
"Oh did they?" Wanda asks, sending a mock glare to the twins. "How cheeky of them."
Emma nods in agreement, hiding her face in her Mom's neck.
"I think we have a junior entrepreneur over here." Pietro gives Tommy a high five. "How about you let Uncle P help you maximize your candy acquisition huh?"
The twins nod eagerly.
"Yeah, Kick ass." Tommy exclaims, excitedly.
"You coming, little rugrat?" Pietro asks Emma, who looks up from her Mom's shoulder, shaking her head.
"Suit yourselffff." Pietro pulls a funny face at the toddler, making her hide her smile.
"I feel the need-" Pietro starts, grabbing Tommy's hand, who grabs Billy's.
"For speed!" Tommy finishes as they all race off in a blue blur.
"Kick ass?" Wanda repeats, confused at the expression.
"Ass!" Emma repeats, liking the sound of this new word.
"No, no, no. Emma we don't say that word, only Mommy says that word." Wanda immediately tells her.
"Why?" Emma asks in confusion and the denial.
"Because it's a grown up word only, and Uncle Pietro was very naughty to say say it." Wanda explains, hoping the toddler would forget all about it.
Emma nods in acceptance and Wanda a sighs with relief, taking Emma to the next house, without her brothers stealing all the candy.
Wanda and Emma were walking further down the street, with Emma shaking about a glow stick with delight.
Wanda notices Herb standing on the edge of the street with zombie face paint on, and walks over to him.
"Hey Herb. How's patrol going?" She asks the man, cheerily.
Herb smiles back at Wanda. "Quiet night so far. No problems at all." He suddenly puts his finger on his earpiece. "Hold up-"
"Say again? All the candy has disappeared?" He asks, talking into his walkie talkie.
Wanda looks around to see Pietro and the twins stealing all the candy with Pietro's super speed.
"Now all the jack-o-lanterns have been smashed?" Herb clarifies as the twins and Pietro go around hitting all the jack o lanterns with base ball bats.
Wanda blushes in embarrassment, as she can hear laughing and cheering coming from them.
"And now everyone's covered in silly string?" Herb frowns in confusion, as the twins and there Uncle speed about in a blur.
Wanda was grateful that they had missed Emma's bucket, as if the girls candy went missing, Wanda was sure that she would have an all night tantrum from her.
"Sorry Wanda, I gotta bounce." Herb tells her, apologetically.
Wanda laughs nervously. "Well, I'm sure Vision can help you out."
Herb frowns slightly in confusion. "Vision? He's not on duty tonight."
"But I thought..." Wanda trails off, wondering where he could have gone.
"Is there something I can do for you, Wanda?" He asks, his voice more serious. "Do you want something changed?"
Wanda looks at Herbs expectant face, forcing out a nervous laugh. "No, it's fine. Never mind. Have a good one, Herb." She waves to the man with her free hand as she takes Emma's own in the other.
"Peace." Herb mock salutes, before walking away.
Wanda shakes off her confusion, putting on a smile for her daughter.
"Which house do you any to go to next, baby?" She asks, swinging her hand backwards and forwards.
"Hmmmm..." Emma places her finger on her chin, looking at the houses in the neighbourhood, before her eyes land on one with huge decorations.
"Dat one!" She points excitedly to it, shoving a candy piece into her mouth.
"Easy on the candy tiger, we don't want your tummy hurting." Wanda tells her, walking towards the house that Emma pointed to.
"Okay, Mama." Emma hums, skipping along beside her Mom.
Slightly shorter than last time, but I need it to stretch for four parts to this is why. I hope you all enjoyed, see ya next time losers!

innocent (a wandavision story)
Fanfic"something isn't right here, wanda" ~~~ Emma Maximoff is the three year old daughter of Wanda and Vision, she was born just after the Sokovian accords and was snapped by Thanos along with her mother ~~~ Now living in a sitcom fantasy, the small fami...