Wassup guys! Here's the next chapter after another long wait so woo go me. Hope you all enjoy! Sorry these updates are taking so long my I've been really busy and I once again completely forgot about this story so oops~~~
"Emma she can't- I can't see you baby." Wanda remind her daughter gently as she stares in confusion at her Mama.
"Wan go home..." Emma mumbles, walking back over to her Mom, and hiding her face in her joggers.
"Me too, baby." Wanda coos sympathetically at her daughter, before Agatha interrupts.
"Oo, Wanda. Moving on up." Agatha clicks her tongue, looking around the expensive room, courtesy of Tony Stark.
"So, where are we now?" She asks, as Wanda stares at her younger self while running her fingers through Emma's dark brown hair.
"The avengers compound." Wanda answers her smoothly without missing a beat. "It was the first home that Vision and I ever shared. Pietro was dead, and I was in a new country. I was all alone..."
"Malcom!" Emma suddenly cheers, looking at the Tv, which was playing an episode of Emma's favourite sitcom 'Malcom In The Middle.'
"Can you tell your kid to shut up." Agatha remarks rudely, glaring at Emma.
Wanda doesn't reply, but instead continues running her fingers through Emma's hair soothingly as the toddler is hooked onto the Tv.
"Vision?" The younger version of Wanda calls as there is a creak heard in the floorboards.
"I apologize. I don't mean to intrude." Vision apologises, phasing through into the young Sokovain's room.
"Daddy!" Emma sequels happily, her Mom having to hold her back from running to her Dad.
"We have to stay here, baby." Wanda tells her daughter, although you could see that she too wanted to run to her husband.
"You don't?" The younger version of Wanda asks the Vibranium man, turning away from the Tv.
"Well, I suppose, yes, I did intend to come in here." The younger version of Vision chuckles awkwardly.
"And now?" The younger Wanda asks, her accent thick and heavy.
"Whatever is your preference." Vision gives the girl a shy smile.
Wanda pats the spot next to her and the Android walks over and sits nervously on the bed a bit away from Wanda, clearly very uncomfortable.
The younger version of Wanda forces a small smile, before going back to watching the sitcom on Tv.
"Why aren't you and Daddy talkin?" Emma asks her Mother in confusion.
"Because this was one of the first times that Mama and Daddy had met." Wanda answers simply, keeping hold of Emma's hand.
"Where am I?" Emma asks, looking around for herself in the memory.
Agatha laughs. "You hadn't even been thought of yet buttercup!"
Emma frowns in confusion at the response.
"You weren't here yet, sweetie." Wanda tells her, watching her younger self carefully.
The balcony collapses on one of the men on the Tv, making the laughing track set off, but no body laughs, except Emma.
"Is it funny because of the grievous injury the man must have suffered?" Vision asks the younger Wanda in confusion.
"No, he's not really injured." She answers blankly.
"How can you be certain?" Vision asks, a tone of worry in his voice.
Wanda shrugs. "It's not that kind of show."
There is more silence between the two, before Vision speaks up again.
"Wanda. I don't presume to know what you're feeling, but I would like to know. Should you want to tell me. Should that be of some comfort to you." He gives Wanda a smile, clearly trying his best to help her feel better.
"What makes you think talking about it will bring me comfort?" The younger Wanda asks, her voiceslightly croaky after screaming during the battle.
"Oh, well... I read that-" Vision starts, but the Sokovian cuts him off.
"The only thing that would bring me comfort, is seeing him again." Wanda tells him plainly, with a harsh tone to her voice.
Vision takes this in stride, processing the new information, and out of respect, doesn't respond.
Emma clearly not liking her parents not really getting along, makes grabby hands at her Mom to be picked up, sniffling slightly.
"Don't wike dis Daddy..." Emma mumbles into her Mom's shoulder. "Wan my Daddy back..."
"I'm sorry." The younger Wanda apologies to Vision. "I'm so tired. It's like this wave washing over me, again and again. It knocks me down and when I try to stand it comes for me again. It's just gonna drown me."
"No, it won't." Vision shakes his head with a soft expression.
"How do you know?" Wanda quizzes, wiping her eyes.
"Because it can't be all sorrow." Vision counters, trying to think of the right words to say. "I have always been alone. I don't feel that lack; I've known nothing else. I have never experienced loss because I have never had a loved one to lose. And what is grief if not love persevering?"
Wanda looks like she's taking all of it in, when Vision suddenly laughs, pointing at the screen.
"Pardon me." He apologises, blushing.
Wanda let's out a small chuckle. "No it was funny."
"It was very funny, wasn't it?" Vision asks seriously, making the younger Wanda giggle at his tone and hum in agreement, smiling at the Android.
Agatha wipes away fake tears as the scene ends, leaving Wanda with real tears in her eyes.
"So to recap: parents dead, brother dead, Vision dead." Agatha lists, making Wanda let out a silent sob. "What happened when he wasn't there to pull you back from the darkness, Wanda?"
"I can't do this anymore." Wanda tells her with a shaky breath, attempting to wipe her tears away with one hand, while Emma frowns at her Mom's sadness.
"It's okay, Mama..." She comforts, kissing her Mom's cheek.
"Come on, Wanda. You're on the precipice. You're right there... How did you do it?!" Agatha urges, walking closer to Wanda who is at her breaking point. "Vision was gone. But you wanted him back..."
"I wanted him back..." Wanda mutters, her eyes suddenly lighting up like she remembered something important as Agatha makes another door appear. This one glass. "I wanted him back..."
Wanda strides over to the door with Emma in her arms, recognising it as the SWORD headquarters and pushes it open, making the next memory start to play.
Sorry that was again shit and short, but the next one will be much longer and then we are in the finale! Hope you all enjoyed!

innocent (a wandavision story)
Fanfiction"something isn't right here, wanda" ~~~ Emma Maximoff is the three year old daughter of Wanda and Vision, she was born just after the Sokovian accords and was snapped by Thanos along with her mother ~~~ Now living in a sitcom fantasy, the small fami...