everfree forest +princess Twilight

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Rainbow dash pov

(Btw the camp is today)

When I ran up to my friends who were exited for the camp like they kept talking about it even sci twi which is like really rare but anyways we were chatting until

Celistia: *speaker* year 9-12 please come to the front of the school to get ready for the camp trip today

We were already there so celistia just said we can hop on now so we did even tho I wanted to run away my friend's would ofc chase me or think of me like when we were in the cruise which I never got a full apology >:(

Everyone has hopped on and now we are heading off and guess what everyone singing the same song like the first time I wanted to bang my head of the chair but I sadly couldn't because then apples would be looking at me
We arrived which is ughhhhhh and guess what we meet Gloriosa Daisy again who nearly killed us?!

Gloriosa Daisy: Welcome back campers I'm so lovely to see you all again this time for who is going to be your buddy your going to..... Find an random item and who ever matches that item is your roommate and before I forgot we don't use tents anymore we use cabins!

Gloriosa Daisy: good luck everybody 👋🏻

As I went searching for an item that I do what I find this crystal just lying there

It like pulling me to it do I grabbed it and forgot about the item and walked around with it

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It like pulling me to it do I grabbed it and forgot about the item and walked around with it
30 mins later

Gloriosa Daisy: *speaker* everyone should of had found an item if you didn't find a person who doesn't have anyone else matching with there's and be there partner bye!

I went to the main area and see mostly everyone buddy up

Sci twi with pinkie

Rairty with Fluttershy

Sunset with applejack

Now I think about it everyone buddy up I guess I'm alone they couldn't even give everyone a buddy so I just went to a table since Gloriosa Daisy said to only sit with are buddy which I feel like is unfair for me and tbh I was pissed like really pissed until...Timber Spruce! Sat with me!

Timber Spruce: rainbow dash right?

Rainbow dash: yep

Timber Spruce: so what you doing alone shouldn't you have a buddy?

Rainbow dash: well I didn't get one but hey I got this crystal!

(The pic)

Timber Spruce: wow..... I never seen one like that before must be really rare

Rainbow dash: you think so?

Timber Spruce: totally anyways I'ma go tell Gloriosa Daisy about you having no buddy and see if she can do anything bye 👋🏽

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