Am I that different?.... +Appledash

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Yes, I'm sorry you're not gonna see the appledash hangout. I just idk couldn't think of anything for that anyway


Dashie pov


I wake up way early, then everyone else in the cabin I share as I can hear them both, but what caught me was that my gem was glowing, so I decided to go outside with it. I'm outside and I feel like I had to touch it with both of my hands so I did and before I knew it I saw no more glowing the glow of the gem just disappeared out of no where but I decided to just not pay attention to it and went inside and went back to sleep


I wake up again, and once again, I'm up before the other two, so I decided to head out to the bathroom, but I had to get my clothes first, then head. Once I got my clothes I headed to the bathroom and when I look at myself I couldn't help but scream but I quickly put my hands over my mouth and looked at myself and saw well a lot of my and the same colour as the gem I have but instead it is in my eyes. I couldn't believe what I was seeing . I completely changed. I don't even recognise myself, only the fading rainbow out of my hair, but that is it. Once I was done being shocked, which was for a long time, I finally got changed and headed out, but before I made 10 steps outside, I was dragged by Jackie?! Wait, where did she come from? Oh wait, I did scream earlier so she may or heard me and waited out of here, which seems something she would do

Jackie pov

I wait for bow to come out as I heard her scream but when I heard the door open I grabbed her and just dragged her away super far away from the camp and pinned her from the tree but when I saw I was shock she looked completely different and for everything saying how do you recognise her that is because of the rainbow fading from her hair and also her bracelet she has on that I made her

Jackie: What happened to you bow?!

Bow: idk, I just woke up like this?

Jackie: Did you do anything before? Well, you went to sleep or something?

Bow: Well, I did wake up before I saw this it was like 3am, and this crystal or gem thing started glowing

Before I got to reply, she took the crystal or gem thing out of her pocket and showed me..... Wait, wasn't that the one she found on her first day here this year?!

Jackie: Wasn't that the one you found when we got here

Bow: yea it is!

Jackie: Your eyes look exactly like the it. Do you think the glow of it gave you powers?

Bow: That makes sense. After I touched it with my two hands, it stopped glowing

Jackie: Well, want to try and see if anything happens?

Bow: Sure, let's try

Hours later

10 am

Jackie pov

We have been doing these hours, and nothing happened yet, so I thought it could be something else until I saw the grass freezing under her

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