JURO!!!!+ the start of appledash time

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Rainbow pov

After the whole sunset book thing I went back to the forest and found poiso (twilight) reading a book on her porch

Rainbow: hey poi what you reading?

P twilight: poi?

Rainbow: it's a nickname!

P twilight: oh and btw I'm reading about stuff about this forest since I found out that there is what people would say rumours/ myths about this forest

Rainbow: what kind of rumours/ myths?

P twilight: supposedly there a myth about how there a monster roaming this forest as it has seen to have a human looking body with long hair but with horns and a face that has caused a whole whole class to be scared to go in a forest which the class was actually called class 63 which was from your school it has written down


Rainbow: is there a name for the Monster?

P twilight: from what it has written it classifies that a student heard it says juro so that has been theorised as its name


P twilight: hey rain are you ok?

Rainbow:..... I may confirm that it's true.....

P twilight: what's true?

Rainbow: Juro.....

P twilight: huh?

P twilight: you know juro?!

Rainbow: yea.....

P twilight: but how?!

Rainbow: I saw it with my two eyes also it's kind of.....

P twilight: of?....

Rainbow/juro PArT Of mE

P twilight: rain?!

Pony twilight pov

As I look at rain I see a face form on her face and the face was none other then juro's as it the book had describe the face of juro's so perfectly.....

Juro: sorry! For the sudden show up but hi I'm juro rains number 1 monster friend :) and you are?

P twilight: hi I'm twilight I'm rains number 1 pony friend but if you near people just call me poiso kk?

Juro: ok but anyways do you got any questions to ask me?

P twilight: wellll...... How do you become like attached to rain?

Juro: honestly idk when I touch over people I don't fuse into them but when I touch rain it was different it was like we were the same thing or we were ment to be well attached to each other......

P twilight: wow that's interesting but anyways next question do you got powers?

Juro: ofc I do but I'ma not tell ya but like just think of when does a magical creature not have powers?

P twilight: true

Juro: welp I'ma give rain control again bye! :)

P twilight: bye :)

As I look at well the fuse juro and rain I see juro's appearance in rain disappear from rains body and see her open her eyes

Rainbow pov

I open my eyes to see a smiling twilight I wonder what happened as I I remember was trying to tell her about juro then boom! Blank

Rainbow: hey poiso what happened to me?

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