how they met

29 0 2

*tray's pov*

hey Miku

Miku:are you still looking for a job

Yea I am it's been hard to find one 

Miku: I think I might know someone that needs a guy as a maid

A guy as a maid?!


Ok,will I have to wear a maid dress


Ok,who is he :

 Miku: his name is clay but he mainly goes by Dream

Wait! Isn't he the most riches person in Halves,uk (ik that is not a real place)

Miku: yep 

How is he your friend

Miku: we have known each other since elementary school


Miku:our parents where friends and worked at a private school so we both went there

Really Miku

Miku: yea

Will you take me there to meet him miku?

Miku: sure tray let's get you packed

Ok Miku 

*Miku gets tray packed and they both hop into miku's car*

Thanks again miku

Miku:no problem tray 

*when they get to dreams house*

Miku: Bitch we are here

Dream: Miku?

Miku: yes it is me Bitch

Miku why are you calling him Bitch?

Miku: BECAUSE he is my friend tray

Dream: tray?

That's me 

Dream: hi then my name is dream 

I know Miku told me 

Dream: is that so 

Yep, she also told me that you where looking for a maid

Dream: yes I am 

Miku: btw tray is a guy 

Dream: do you mind wearing a maid dress?

No I don't

Dream: ok then your hired

Wait?! Really I am going to be working for the most hotest and riches man in halves, UK 

*Dream blushes a little*

Fuck I said the last part out loud 

Miku: yes you did and I have to go see my parents so I will be leaving you two here btw bye bitches

Fuck you Miku!

Miku: go Fuck yourself oh wait I have a feeling dream will do that 

*Dream and tray both blush at what Miku said and Miku leaves*

Dream: I will show you around 

Thanks dream is it ok if I call you dream 

Dream: yes it is ok 

*Dream show him around* 

Dream: here's your room right next to mine

Ok thank you 

Dream: want some help with your things 


*Dream helps tray to get his things into his room*

Thank you dream 

Dream: no problem and btw I put some maid desses in the closest they are mainly green but there are 2blue 4black and 2pink 

Ok thanks

Master Dream x maid Tray JamesWhere stories live. Discover now