Chapter 1

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Boston 2008. April

"That's time. Make sure you do the reading for next time." My assistant philosophy professor, Frank Adler said at the end of class one Friday. Everyone started packing up and heading out.

"That was a great lecture, don't you think?" my friend, Spencer, asked.

"Are you actually talking about the material or the mouth it was coming from?" I ask her with a laugh. 

"I just call them like I see them. Speaking of seeing, Professor McYummy, he keeps looking over at you, eye-fucking you."

"McYummy?" I ask, ignoring her last comment. "You've been watching Grey's reruns without me?!"

"No baby, I'd never do that." she says with a laugh. 

"Filthy liar. I'll catch up with you later." I say, heading towards the front of the lecture room.

"Remember to keep your voices down, don't want to scar some unassuming undergrad." she says before walking out. I flip off her retreating back before turning to see that Frank and I were the only two left in the room. 

"You wanted to see me, sir?" He smirks, pulling me to him and pressing his lips to mine. "But sir, we'll get caught." I laugh as his beard rubs against my cheek as he kisses all over my face. 

"So what's on the agenda for tonight?" he asks as he grabs his briefcase and my hand as we walk out of the building towards our cars. 

"Well I didn't have plans tonight but then my philosophy prof's assistant decided to spring an assignment on us early, so I should probably get started on that." 

He pins me against the side of his car, hands coming up on either side of my shoulders blocking me in. He kisses my neck, sucking on the spot right below my ear that makes my toes curl in my shoes and my head lull back. "Something tells me he'd give you an extension," he whispers in my ear.

I moan before pushing against his chest, causing him to pull back and look at me. "And then we both get in trouble and I don't want another lecture from your mother, since the last one about appropriate behavior in relationships is still burned in my brain."

He sighs. "Damn your responsibility." he says with a smile.

"You have only yourself to blame. Lucky for you we only have two more weeks of class and then we can go back to being as wildly inappropriate as we want."

He groans and pushes his hips into mine. "You feel what you do to me?"

I laugh. "Why don't you come over after I'm done? I'll make it worth your while."

"Well if that's the case, then let me drive home and grab some clothes for tomorrow."

"Sounds good. On your way over, can you grab some Chinese from that place we love?"

"Of course." he says before kissing me one last time and getting in his car and driving off.

I got in my car and drove home, getting my reading and outlining done as soon as I got there before going to my room to take a shower before Frank got here. 

I was in the middle of lathering up my shampoo when I heard the shower door open and felt someone's lips against my shoulder. I jump and then I hear Frank's deep laugh."You scared the shit outta me." I say, holding my chest. 

"I certainly hope not. That would be really messy." He says, still laughing.

"You know, you're really funny. You should take your show on the road."

"I can have a girlfriend in every city then." he says, sarcastically. 

"You're not even remotely funny." He smirks again and grabs me, kissing my lips as he pins me against the wall of the shower. I smile into the kiss, bringing my legs up to wrap around his waist, moaning out as his hard member rubs against my most sensitive area. 

Grabbing hold of my thigh and placing his other around my back to hold in place as he thrusted up into me, making us both moan out.

Our coupling was quick, frantic, animalistic, the sounds coming from him turning me on just as much as what he was doing to my body. 

With one final thrust up, hitting that sweet spot deep inside me that I had no idea existed before I met him, we both came; me moaning out his name while he let out a deep moan, his head falling against my shoulder. His breath was hot on my neck.


"So have you given much thought to my offer?" Frank asks later as we're sitting on my couch eating the reheated take out.

"I have."


"Are you sure this is something that you want?" I ask as I eat my beef and broccoli. 

"Georgia, we've been seeing each other for a year now. I think it's perfectly acceptable for moving in together to be the next step."

"Yes, but I want it to be our place, not yours or mine that the other is moving into."

"Then we'll get our own place."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that. As soon as the semester is over, we'll go apartment hunting."

"Ok," I say, leaning across the couch and kissing him.

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