Chapter 23

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We were at a garage that was housing a boat that Frank was working on, later that week. Roberta had taken Mary, insisting that we needed a date night. But there was too much stress involved with our lives right now to even think about ourselves. Frank's experience on the stand had gone over about as well as mine had and we were both seriously concerned that we were going to lose. So when Cullen called saying he had news, we told him where to find us, eager to hear what he had to say.

"They want to cut a deal." He informs us. "Your father called me first thing this morning."

I let out a sigh, rolling my head towards the ceiling. "Why would he do that? I don't understand."

"In the middle of the..." But Frank is cut off by Cullen.

"Just listen, listen to me. Mary would be put in a fostering situation."

"No, absolutely the fuck not! He brought you this deal? Are you fucking kidding me?" I'm fuming and Frank is getting agitated as well.

"Frank, Georgia, please listen."

"No, I don't want to hear anymore of this. If that coward wants to offer this deal, he can tell me to my face and then I'll have the perfect opportunity to spit in his. He can't be serious."

"Cullen, we told you no." Frank says, trying to deescalate the situation.

"It wouldn't be a court-appointed foster family, Georgia."

"Drop it Cullen!" I yell.

"We could cherry-pick from the cream of the crop. Mutually approved. Just hear me out."

"I don't think I can. Do you know what these placements are like? Cause I do. I promised Diane that Mary would never have to experience what I did. I don't give a fuck if it's Daddy Warbucks himself, my answer is firmly no."

"Tampa. I insisted, and they agreed. No more than a half hour from your front door. Now, she would attend the Oaks. It's a great school. And visiting rights for the grandmother, but she was gonna get that anyway. Right, and on her 12th birthday, she can go back into court and decide then where she wants to live and with who."

"I don't understand this. I thought you were supposed to be on our team. Why are you bringing us this deal?" Frank asks.

"Other than I'm required to by law?"

"You like this deal?" I ask him.

"I love this deal."

Frank comes over to me, pulling me into his arms and I bury my head in his chest, and I let some tears fall. "They think they're gonna lose." He says softly.

"Yeah." Cullen nods. "They do."

"You think we're gonna lose." Frank says.

"Yes, I do." Frank just places his head on top of mine and I feel him squeeze me. "Look, I gotta go put my kids to bed. I'll do whatever you want me to do. But if we leave this up to that judge, Nichols, he's old-school guys. Does he like your mother? No. Does he like her income? Does he like her health plan? Does he like her home? You better believe it. I've been in his courtroom. A hundred times. And if it's a coin toss... that old boy is going to side with the money." I'm shaking with anger right now, at Cullen, at Evelyn, at the judge and my father, and most importantly, at myself. I should've transferred my license, should have started seeing patients here. We'd have the money, the stability, the health care, that this judge was looking for. "Just meet the family. See how it feels. It's all I ask." He says before walking to his car and going home.

"I can't do this Frank. You know my past. You know why I can't support this."

"What choice do we have Georgia? If he thinks we're going to lose, what choice do we have? At least this way she's close to us. Let's just meet with the family. They might be different from the ones you were with."

"I hope you're right."


"And here's the pool. Obviously we don't let them swim without supervision, but it's here when she has it." The foster mother said. I've been quiet since we got here, letting Frank do most of the talking beyond introductions.

"We added this desk so she could do her homework." She explains further as they show us the inside of the house. I can see it on Frank's face. He's broken. This is the life Mary deserves, the life we should've been giving her. "So while I'm trying to sell you on the house, and us, I just don't want you to think that we're completely insensitive to what you both are feeling." Frank and I have apparently switched personalities because I am the grumpy, broody one today and he's having to make up for my lack of manners.

"We understand. This is just a hard decision for us to make. This wasn't what we were envisioning when we became her guardians." He explains while I look out the window at the coastal way. It was beautiful here, sure. But Mary belonged with us. And I was going to do whatever it takes to get her back, fuck what Evelyn or my father had decided.


It was a few days later and Evelyn, us, our lawyers and the foster parents. "I've been thinking a lot about the word 'compromise'. On one hand, a good challenging school. On the other, foster people. They can watch sitcoms with her. Take her to Olive Garden. Teach her to say 'irregardless'. The only saving grave I suppose is she's better off than she was." Evelyn says as we step outside the courthouse.

"You really want to go there. Do you have any idea what it's like to be ripped from the only life you've ever known and forced to live in a stranger's house? I don't care how nice these people are, they're not her family but you would rather have her there, than in the only home she's ever known because you are holding a 6 year grudge that Diane didn't want you to have her and that you didn't get to ride the coattails of her success because she didn't finish a math problem. Well congratulations Evelyn Adler. You just won the worse mother/grandmother of the year. How will you celebrate?" I let out a breath after my breakdown before walking ahead of them to Frank's truck.


It's the night before we are to drop Mary off at the foster parents' house and I'm cuddling with her in her bed, Frank in the kitchen. "I just don't understand why I have to go." She says, sniffling.

"Well I could be nice and sugar coat it but that's never been how we talk to each other. Your grandmother is a giant ass with a grudge match against your uncle and I that has spanned years. This all comes down to that. You are so incredibly loved Mary and I will be doing everything in my power to get you back, ok?" I feel her nod against my chest. "I want you to be good and kind, just like I've raised you to be. I know that this is new and scary but Frank and I are a phone call away. If you need to talk, we're here. I love you so much sweet girl." I say, pulling her close and resting my head of top of hers.

"I love you too Georgia." In that moment, I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces and I wasn't sure it could ever be made whole again.

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