Chapter one

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You were scared yet excited. You were finally going to an interview. You had been waiting for this all week. You took a breath as you entered Hendrik Motorsports head quarters. You walk to the front desk,
"Hello my name is y/n y/l/n, I have a interview." You tell the secretary, she smiles at you and says,
"Have a seat Jeff Gordon will be with you in a moment."
Your heart stops oh my goodness gracious JEFF GORDON!!! You take a seat.

Five minutes later Jeff Gordon walks in you stand and smile, he offers his hand,
"Jeff Gordon." You shake it,
" y/n y/l/n" you can't believe you shook hands with Jeff Gordon.
"Follow me" he says he takes you up some stairs and down a hallway to a office.

"Have a seat y/n" you sit in a chair facing him as he sits at the desk, "Do you know what you are here for" he asks,
"not really a job for some sort of assistant." You answer.
"Your job would be to be pretty much everyone's assistant, you would come to every track and every meeting. You would be running errands for everyone and making sure people were on time for things. It also would mean having to deal with press, which shouldn't be too bad just be grateful Kyle Busch isn't on the team." He finished leaving you a little shocked,

"That sounds like five different peoples jobs mixed together." You say with a nervous laugh. "Pretty much, y/n you have to understand that we would hire more people but we are short on money so one person with a impressive wage would be better then five." He said with a sad smile.
"So are you going to interview me or just take me because I am willing to do it." You ask.
"No I am going to interview you but I just had to make sure you knew what you were signing up for." He said smiling, "okay where are you from, how old are you and what is your family situation." You think for a moment and then take a deal breath this was going to be difficult,

"I am from a small town in British Columbia, Canada called Enderby. I am 27 years old and my parents are dead and my sister and I haven't talked in forever." I finished with a sigh he gave me a sympathetic look,
"what have you been doing for the last couple years for work" he asked,
"school and I was a waiter" you say. He continued to ask you questions about yourself for about fifteen minutes before looking at you for a moment and then said,
"Well y/n, your hired."

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