Chapter nine

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Later that week you all went on a boat, "come on y/n, jump!" Ryan yelled from the water, you were perched on the very top of the boat and debating wether or not to jump. Everyone except William and Erin had jumped the three of you were still debating if it was a good idea or not,
"come on William, man up!" Bubba shouts, "you heard the man, jump" Erin says to William,
"you too Erin!" Ryan yells,
"why do I do these things" you mutter as you take a deep breath and jump to an elegant swan dive into the refreshing water, you pop up in between Chase and Ryan,
"show off" Chase says, Ryan laughs,
"where did Bubba go?" You ask looking around for him, Chase and Ryan grin at each other,
"what did you two do?" You ask cautiously, "we may or may not have dared him to do a belly flop." Ryan says laughing,
"oh my word, you three can never ever be left alone." You groan with a smile. You look up in time to see William and Erin jump in together, they start to swim towards you guys when all of a sudden Bubba let's out a Tarzan cry from the top of the boat and jumps and does the most painful looking belly flop you have ever seen,
"I think he's dead" Chase chokes out between laughs, Ryan can't even say anything he is laughing so hard. Erin looks at you and rolls her eyes,
"boys" you nod killing yourself laughing, Bubba finally surfaced,
"I highly suggest not doing that" he wheezes, causing us to laugh harder, you struggle to keep your head above the water your laughing so hard, you can even see the boats captain laughing.

Later that day you were all sitting around in the boat sun tanning,
"who has the most tattoos?" Erin asks,
"I have two," Bubba says,
"one" Chases says,
"zero" Erin and William say,
"to many" Ryan says making us laugh, "but in seriousness over five" Ryan says,
"eight" you say, everyone stares at you, you are wearing a maroon bikini,
"where?" Erin asks, you point to the inside of your ankles, you have a small Nascar logo on your left ankle and a marvel tattoo on your left foot, you have 1997 bravo tattooed on your other ankle and a flower on the bottom of you right foot you point to behind each ear which each has a different bird, you inch you bikini top strap up a little to reveal a bible verse, Chase raises his eyebrows and everyone else just looks at you,
"that's seven?" Bubba says, you pull you lip down to reveal a tattoo on the inside of your bottom lip, it said Mom&Dad.
"Wow that must have hurt" Ryan says,
"yeah a little." You say,
"well that did not go as I thought it would" Erin says, "don't strike me as a tattoo person." She continued, you shrug,
"my mom liked tattoos so I just thought I would get one but I just kept going back for more" you laugh, "it's like a weird addiction I have, were I need to get a tattoo every few years,"

Author note:
[sorry if I make the chapters so short, there is only so much I can write at a time, this is a bit more depressing then I meant it to be.]

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