The Buffet

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Emily was shocked. She couldn't believe what had come over her. But she was even more surprised to realize that she wanted more. She wanted so much more. She wanted to grow huge under Cole's constant pampering and feeding.

Cole had unlocked her handcuffs before he left, and she had migrated to the bed, amazed to notice that she was winded by the time she got there. Her whole body jiggled as she walked, her full thighs rubbing against each other, her belly bouncing up and down with every step.

When she laid down, she started playing with her huge ball of fat that used to be a flat set of abs. She picked it up and dropped it on her large thighs, she rubbed it with hands she had begun to notice were getting porkier as well.

Hours went by, and hunger began to tear into Emily's enormous stomach. It growled loudly, and seemed to visibly shake.

Finally, Cole came back.

"Cole!" Emily cried when he came back in. "I'm starving!" Cole grinned, and held up some shopping bags. 

"We're going to a buffet, remember?" he asked. "You'll be able to stuff yourself to your absolute limit. But first, you need some proper clothing." He handed her the bags. 

The first thing Emily pulled out was a D cup bra and some size XL underpants. She struggled out of her makeshift ones and pulled these onto her large frame. Then, she grabbed the dress Cole had bought out of the bottom of the bag. It was black, and was a size XL, but it was short. When she pulled it on, it barely covered her round ass. 

However, Cole grinned at her and said "it fits perfectly!"

If by 'perfectly,' he meant that it hugged every curve and roll on her rotund body, then yes, it was perfect.

She and Cole made their way to the door, and by the time they got there, Emily was panting heavily. She hadn't moved this much in nearly a week, and she had added more than a few pounds since the last time she had done it.

Before Cole opened the door, he squeezed Emily's round belly, then slapped it.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered to her. She smiled at him.

"I know," she said, squeezing her belly herself. She couldn't believe that, just this morning, she had hated being fat. She realized how perfect her body was, all round and jiggly, and she was content. 

Of course, not content enough to not want more, oh no. She knew what Cole wanted. Cole wanted her to be huge, probably immobile, a servant to his every desire. And the idea to her, her only purpose to be growing larger, was thrilling. She wanted to grow for him. To become immobile for him. To be everything he ever wanted. She was surprised by this, but realized it was true.

Cole led her out the door, and she realized that they were in the alley behind his house. His car was parked about thirty feet away, and once again, the walk winded Emily. But she sat in the car, and she took a deep breath. The seat belt seemed to cut into her growling belly, and that turned both Cole and Emily on.

By the time they reached the restaurant, Emily was so hungry she could barely breath. They walked in, Cole paid for the buffet, and she ran as fast as her tubby body could run to the food. She grabbed a cart, and began piling it sky high with plates upon plates of food. Cole watched in astonishment as she brought it all to a booth, and began eating ravenously.

Emily couldn't control herself. She was starving. She ate and ate, until all of the food at the table was gone. Then, she went and got more. She stuffed herself silly. Her dress became ever tighter, and her stomach pressed against the table. Finally she couldn't handle taking another bite. Her breathing was labored and uneven. Her belly was a rock.

she looked up at Cole. "I'm full," she said, before slipping into a food coma.

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